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Author Topic: Extra finger hole?  (Read 5853 times)


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Extra finger hole?
« on: September 01, 2006, 02:23:03 AM »

My wife uses a full finger grip and averages in the 160's.  Because of arthritis she is having a problem throwing the ball without some pain and I was wondering if anyone else has had that problem?  Also, would an extra finger hole for the index finger help relieve the strain on the other fingers?

Any help would be appreciated.



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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2006, 10:28:10 AM »
I've seen extra pinky holes, but never one for the index finger.  There's nothing rule-wise that would prevent her from having either or both.  You are allowed to have a gripping hole for each finger, and many bowlers have extras for exactly the reason you describe.  Maybe the holes are too loose, and she's having to put more effort into holding the ball than she really should.  In particular, an over-sized thumb hole can make you squeeze the ball considerably.

What weight does she throw?  It sounds like she's a conventional-grip straight bowler, in which case there's not much to worry about core-wise by a drop in weight.  If she's throwing 14# or higher, a reduction in weight might help the pain more than an additional finger hole (on the other hand, the extra hole is a couple of bucks at the most to try out, a new ball is a lot more).


Edited on 9/1/2006 10:23 AM


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #2 on: September 01, 2006, 10:30:08 AM »
You may add a hole for each finger, plus a vent hole in each, plus a weight hole and an inspection hole (which is normally only shallow and immediately plugged).

I know that in Asia additional holes for index finger and pinkie on conventional grip balls are quite common, e. g. on house balls. I think this is very welcome at slender female bowlers.

It is IMHO worth a try, especially when your wife lacks some finger agility and holding on just with thumb and 2 fingers may cause wear and even pain or injuries. A wrist support would IMHO not help much, since it is a finger problem. Go for it, and it is legal.

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2006, 10:39:11 AM »
my 2 handed buddy pretty much ripped teh ligiments out of his hand, so decided to make a 4th hole for his index finger. it worked pretty well for him, removed all the pain, but i think it was weird feeling or something, because as soon as he was healed he got hte holes plugged. i dont really know if this would work for someone that uses there thumb tho...
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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2006, 10:48:49 AM »
My girlfriend uses an index finger hole, she's fifty, averages 220, has shot 300s and 800. May take a little trial and error to find out the span and pitches for that hole. She went to it for the same reason,..her grip was getting weak, and her wrist hurt, no problems since. She's been doing it about 5-6 years. The ball doesn't roll over the hole, fine...jim


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2006, 11:49:55 AM »
Using an index finger hole will cause you to spin and/or turn the ball more. If you use a pinky hole, you'll get more forward roll on the ball. Take this into consideration when deciding on your extra hole. =:^D


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2006, 12:04:30 PM »
Using an index finger hole will cause you to spin and/or turn the ball more.

Interesting.  When I was in Juniors, I had a bad habit of topping the ball, so one of my coaches recommended that I take an old ball, drill an index finger hole in it, and practice with that ball for a while.  It cured my top-itis, and made my release much more consistent.
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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #7 on: September 01, 2006, 01:21:00 PM »

 It can help you if it is done correctly. You need a willing wife and a damn good ball driller, the index and intellangance finger are the two strongest fingers on your hand. The ball roll will change and you will need to start looking at good basic's.
 I would try it with an old ball first, the feel is completely different.
 I speak from having thrown the ball for the better part of 10 years this way after a industrial accident.
 Any questions, feel free to contact me.


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #8 on: September 01, 2006, 03:46:23 PM »
 It cured my top-itis, and made my release much more consistent.
You must have really been a "topper". Now your just a spinner. Imagine what would have happend to your roll/release if you drilled a pinky finger hole instead of an index finger hole... =:^D


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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #9 on: September 03, 2006, 02:54:55 PM »
bowled with a guy in Maine that drilled an extra hole for his pinky. said he was getting pain in his wrist. dealt with it for a couple years, but had to do something cause it was getting worse. after the hole was drilled, he average went up to where it use to be. probably extended his years of bowling by 5 at least. now he has no pain and is enjoying bowling again. but i would suggest trying an older ball and practice with it to see how it feels. if she has 2 old balls, get one with drilled for a piny and one for the index and decide which she likes best... good luck in what ever she decides to do.



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Re: Extra finger hole?
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2006, 04:04:28 PM »
About 10 years ago, I tried going lower in weight 1st from 16 to 14 then to 13lbs,then got P.O. about the pin action I was getting. Tapped a pinkie hole into a 16 and 15lb balls and experimented. Found I could manage 5 to 6 games with the 16 before my wrist was hurting--without using any braces. When I switched ball to Lane#1 (the proshop only had a 14lb Carbide Bomb at that time because the 15 and 16's were backordered) The 14lb Bomb has the same core as the 16lb. I went to the middle, ring, and pinkie fingers as my 1st drill. The Lomas Lanes Proshop in Albuquerque nailed it dead-on for the setup I wanted. I can play the ball in light oil all the way to rooster tails flying oil(extremely heavy oil-I think the oiler broke just for our lanes a couple times ). The best thing about all of it is that I can bowl 12 to 15 games straight before I start experiencing slight to moderate pain. The lower weight ball and the pinkie  hole has at least helped me out. By all meanshave her experiment. You never know what will feel good.
14lb Carbide Bomb
 14lb Pearl Cherry Buzzsaw/C2

Edited on 10/10/2006 4:02 PM

Edited on 10/10/2006 4:05 PM
14lb Carbide Bomb
 14lb Pearl Cherry Buzzsaw/C2