Yo Jonah, Thanks for this post. I wasn't aware of all the variables you listed just now, regarding the Fantasy-X. All I do know is, out-of-the-box, my Fantasy-X was just an average ball, with EXTREME length seemingly built into it. With my low speed (15-16mph) and low revs....I was not able to get it to do much. Upon altering the surface, getting rid of the factory polish, and adding more hand.....I discovered a monster in disguise!! The ball came alive, and became extremely consistent at the breakpoint. Especially on spotty lanes, and lanes that had dry mids. When everyone else's balls were bending because of fried heads and mids, I suddenly, mysteriously became locked in to the pocket! If that's what your driller means by an advantage....well I'm here to testify that they are right. Guy I was bowling against shot back-to-back 234's when the oil was plentiful. After much carrydown, and a few guys sucking up oil with some sponges they were using, the best he could muster was 181, meanwhile I left him in dust with a 243. Not bragging, but knowing your equipment, combined with some very small moves on the lane,make a big difference in scoring. And the Fantasy-X is one of those uniquepieces that you don't see alot. Can't wait to get my hands on some other AZO or LaneMaster's balls