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Author Topic: A few things I'm wondering about style + drilling...  (Read 1191 times)


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A few things I'm wondering about style + drilling...
« on: February 04, 2005, 03:29:42 AM »
I've heard (or read on one of these message boards) that an "up the back" style bolwer will get the ball to roll much earlier than an "around the side" bowler due to his style of bowling.  If this is true, would drilling a ball to go longer (delay roll) be better for an "up the back" style bowler?  Or, would it depend on the amount of, or lack of, revs he puts on the ball?  Conversely, if an "around the side" bowler is able to get the ball to skid further down the lane, would an earlier rolling drill pattern be more beneficial to him?  Also, would all this depend upon the amount of oil on the lanes, and/or the line the person is trying to play?

Can someone try explaining this to me...
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Re: A few things I'm wondering about style + drilling...
« Reply #1 on: February 04, 2005, 06:36:49 PM »
All things being equal, lower axis rotation ("up the back") puts more roll on the ball.  But things are never equal in reality...Axis rotation is not enough to determine drilling prefernces.

You have to consider external forces such as oil pattern, lane surface, lane topography, etc.  Lighter and shorter oil patterns add roll.  Softer lanes like Guardian add roll.

You have to consider equipment issues such as coverstock, surface prep., RG, flare potential, etc.  A dull, high-load particle ball with low RG and high flare potential will roll earlier on its own merits.

You have to consider other style issues, such as revs, axis tilt, ball speed, etc.  Higher revs means more roll.  Lower speed means more roll.

I realize that my response hasn't really helped you.  All I've really said is a long "maybe".  If you need help controling the amount of roll in your game, let us know.
Good luck & good bowling
Good luck & good bowling

Doc Hollywood

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Re: A few things I'm wondering about style + drilling...
« Reply #2 on: February 06, 2005, 09:33:07 AM »
Constantine is right.  Good to see you posting again.  I couldn't have said it better.  

Knowing what you want the ball to do on a specific pattern and knowing what your style is will really help us or any proficient Ball driller help you make the right choices.

Drilling a ball nowadays is much more technical as you can get some of these balls to be dialed in almost perfectly.

Give us more info and I am sure we can help you out.
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