I'm leaving for Vegas on Saturday morning, so I spent some time last night double-checking my gear to make sure there are no scale-room surprises. While checking out my Black Hammer urethane, it became apparent that I'm currently over the limit by close to a 1/2 ounce when it comes to thumb weight. To clarify, this is a no-thumb ball with the cg a few inches under the fingers pretty much on what would be the midline and a small weight hole kicked slightly to the right. My first inclination is to simply drill the weight hole a little bit deeper to take a bit more out of that half of the ball. I'm not sure how much to take out though in order to bring it back under the limit. Also, since the weight hole is kicked to the right, I want to make sure taking more out won't then put me too far out of balance side to side. Am I making sense here?