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Author Topic: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)  (Read 2462 times)


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hello everyone
   say you have a bowler that has an exactacated thumb, his thumb pitches are 0/0 lft,rt laterial and 1/8 reverse too make it easy.. now with the bowlers new thumb sleeve waiting to be put in the ball(its sitting on a flat counter).. if you were to check the pitch in it, it would say it has 1/8 reverse.. my question is why and do you still have to put the 1/8 reverse in the ball when you drill it?? if the sleeve has 1/8 reverse in it already with drilling/putting it in the ball at 0 it would still have 1/8 reverse in it wouldn't it?? if you did drill the 1/8 reverse in it wouldn't that just be adding more reverse to that bowlers reverse pitch?? if you do still have to drill the reverse in the ball please explain to me why??

wow!! how many times can I say   thankss for your help..



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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2009, 10:26:23 AM »
I would think you drill that hole at 0/0


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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2009, 10:48:28 AM »
dave 300
   good intent, but there is nothing there to read sir just another question..  slashrr69


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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #4 on: January 22, 2009, 10:52:29 AM »
Agree with ElDiablo on the 0/0 pitch.  

Heck, on my own balls I even drill at 0/0 with inserts and then change the pitches before drilling the insert.  I'm only using 3/16" reverse and 1/8" lateral with a fairly narrow thumbhole, so I don't have to worry about drilling into the edge of the insert.  The inserts slide into the ball a lot easier that way, especially when I'm putting an insert into a used ball and had to drill into the new plug.


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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #5 on: January 22, 2009, 12:13:20 PM »
What you are reading when you have the insert sitting flat on the counter is the 1/8th reverse of the top edge of the thumb mold.  When you make a mold of your thumb, it takes into account all the bevel and pitch of the thumb in the ball.  When you create the mold and have it centered into the cylinder to make the mold, it will mold all the bevel and oval of the thumb but not the pitch.  If you took this mold you made and inserted into a ball that has 0 and 0 pitch, the leading edge of the thumb mold will stick up while the back edge will be flush with the surface of the ball and if you go and trim off the access and put your pitch gauge in this thumb, it will read 0 and 0.  

I ran into this problem when using the Vise Exactacation system.  I would make the mold fine, but when I inserted the mold into the cylinder to make a copy, I would have the cylinder flat against the table and the bottom of the mold, the "head" as Brunsnick calls it on his website, would be all the way in the cylinder.  This was causing the pitches to go all wacky and when I would drill the ball to the specific pitches and installed this new insert in, it would produce the wrong pitches.  I was corrected by another driller who has his own system but its hard to come by.

Hope that clears things up.



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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #6 on: January 22, 2009, 12:46:17 PM »
The way we do it: take whatever pitches the person has when you first drilled out the slug you are copying.  (I am at 3/16 forward to start with on my slugs, i'm looking to finish at 1/8 forward on my slugs because I bevel the front edge decreasing the pitch at the top of my thumb.)

I center my mold inside of the sleeve.  This is the important part, it's not hard to center the mold.  We use both 1 1/4" and 1 3/8" sleeves to make molds and never have problems with pitch.  If someone is 1/4 reverse with their slugs drill the hole for the mold at 1/4 reverse - drop in the mold.

We have a lefty at 5/8 reverse and 3/4 right, never a problem with his pitches.  Center the mold in the sleeve...good to go.  If we would line up the base of the mold with the sleeve for this guy the top of the mold (base of the thumb) would be touching the side of the sleeve, not good.

So to answer the question, it depends on how you make the mold in the sleeve in the first place.


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Cobalt Bomb

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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #7 on: January 22, 2009, 12:55:21 PM »
If the pitches are not extreme, I find it easier to set the "head" of the mold even with the end of the molding sleeve. This gives you whatever pitches you had in the original ball the mold was taken from. Then drill the hole for the exactacated insert 0-0. Trying to center the mold in the sleeve seems to be a hit or miss proposition, and adds to the possibility of plug material leakage when molding. Max pitch in any direction(without the mold hitting the molding sleeve) is about 1/4" for 1 1/4 and 3/8 for 1 3/8.

Edited on 1/22/2009 4:00 PM


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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #8 on: January 22, 2009, 06:03:23 PM »
If the mold is square to the ball, or plumb to the hole, then the pitches of the new thumb sleeve will be 0/0.  YOu then drill the needed pitches into the ball and drop the new insert right in.
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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #9 on: January 23, 2009, 02:08:40 AM »

Cobalt Bomb

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Re: experienced drillers need your words of wisdom..(exactacation thumbs)
« Reply #10 on: January 23, 2009, 03:45:46 AM »
If the mold is square to the ball, or plumb to the hole, then the pitches of the new thumb sleeve will be 0/0.  YOu then drill the needed pitches into the ball and drop the new insert right in.
"USBC is concerned that technology has overtaken player skill in determining success in the sport of bowling"

Making a mold square to the ball will result in the mold having the pitch of the copied hole. Try it and check the pitches.
Making a mold plumb to the hole could be difficult to get exact, with it being necessary to have the molding sleeve slightly off the ball to achieve this.

Or you could drill and work a 0-0 thumb in a junk ball for molding purposes.