Trace your FIRST oil ring with a grease pencil. Then place the ball in the spinner with the PAP side up. Adjust the ball position until the track line is the same height all the way around. Turn the spinner on and watch the line. If it wobbles, adjust the ball position until it doesn't. With the spinner on and the track line steady, place the grease pencil lightly on the top of the ball. The pencil will migrate to the very top of the ball. Press down with the pencil and mark the spot. This is your PAP. Now place a piece of white tape on the PAP and take the ball out to the lanes and throw it. If you've accurately located it, the tape will appear stationary until the ball begins to flare. If you're using a nonflaring ball (best choice), it will appear stationary all the way down the lane. If you're using a flaring ball, have someone else watch the tape for you, because it may begin to flare before you pick it up in your sight. If the tape doesn't appear stationary, the PAP is not located correctly. The most likely error is in tracing the FIRST oil ring. You can either start over or try moving the tape a little at a time until you hit the right spot. Good luck. -- JohnP (By the way, the easiest way to locate a PAP is with an Armadillo axis finder, but I'm assuming you don't have access to one.)