Reading Deadbait's post makes me realize that I was not really precise with my language in my earlier post. The problem with the last knuckle on my two bowling fingers is not inflexibility, it is arthritis. They are the only two knuckles on any of my fingers that have arthritis, and it is very likely because of having improperly drilled bowling balls for years before I discovered BTM, attended their Superschool, and found out that not everyone who operates a "pro" shop knows what they are doing. I now have a top notch ball driller. It is possible that I could have used forward pitch in the fingers at one time, if my span and various other pitches had been correct, but now that the knuckles are damaged, they require reverse pitch. I have experimented with pitches a bit, and my knuckles make their requirement for reverse quite clear anytime they are given anything else.
Listening to the monotonous staccato of rain on my desk top