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Author Topic: Finger pitch question  (Read 1617 times)

Beef STL

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Finger pitch question
« on: July 29, 2005, 12:23:41 AM »

While watching a few of my videos that I've taken, me and my dad noticed that on a few of them, I am setting the ball down a bit shorter.  Upon further inspection, we've found that the balls I am setting down short is the equipment that I have the fingers drilled with slighty more away pitch in the fingers.  Also, the same two balls I have drilled like this actually feel heavier in my hand, but just feel so good upon release.

Is this a normal characteristic of away finger pitch or just coincidence?

I don't have a problem with the equipment or anything, just curious if this is common or not.

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Re: Finger pitch question
« Reply #1 on: July 29, 2005, 10:22:37 AM »
Beef STL -- This is a difficult question to answer without being able to "read" your hand in person.  First question - what pitches do your finger flexibility call for.  Second question - what are the pitches in the balls in question.

One comment - with modern equipment. setting the ball down early is considered an advantage.  --  JohnP


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Re: Finger pitch question
« Reply #2 on: July 29, 2005, 10:39:50 AM »
The ball may feel heavier with more reverse finger pitch if the thumb pitch is the same in all of your equipment.  Basically your hand is more open with reverse finger pitch and you have to squeeze more to hold onto the ball.  More forward in your thumb pitch should solve this...but keep in mind that you might have to shorten your span some.
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Finger pitch question
« Reply #3 on: July 29, 2005, 11:35:23 AM »
Pitching away helps you not to hit up on the ball.

Since your not lifting up as strongly then it would be as if you were setting the ball down shorter.  


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Re: Finger pitch question
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2005, 02:06:47 PM »
I found this in my archives....

 This info is from a session with Mo Pinel and Del Warren. They do advocate pitch changes to adjust ball roll.

They start with what some here have called the "claw" grip. That is, a bowler's standard fit will include more forward pitches and a shorter span than has been the norm for many over the last few years. When the thumb is fully inserted and the fingers are laid across the holes, the edge of the hole/insert close to the thumb will be between the first and second crease/joint. They feel that a closed hand can remain more relaxed and still hold the ball without grabbing.

Once the "standard" fit is determined, adjustments can be made as follows (for right handed bowlers, lefties need to reverse the lateral adjustments) :

* To Increase Rev Rate - add 1/8 forward to both fingers and 1/8 reverse to thumb

* To Decrease Rev Rate - add 1/8 reverse to both fingers and 1/8 forward to thumb

* To Increase Axis Rotation and Tilt - add 1/8 left lateral to all three holes

* To Decrease Axis Rotation and Tilt - add 1/8 right lateral to all three holes

* To Increase Roll for low track players - Add 3/8 reverse to middle finger and increase middle finger span by 1/16. Add 3/8 forward to ring finger and shorten ring finger span by 1/16.

* To Increase Axis Rotation and Tilt for very high track players - Add 3/8 forward to middle finger and shorten span 1/16. Add 3/8 reverse to ring finger and lengthen span 1/16.

* Two or more adjustments may be combined for more dramatic results.
Duke Harding


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