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Author Topic: Finger Pitches +/- ?  (Read 3883 times)


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Finger Pitches +/- ?
« on: September 29, 2004, 04:58:17 PM »
I have been studying Bill Taylor's book on fitting. It has taught me a lot about correct spans and thumb pitches. The question I have is how to determine correct finger pitches. At the ABC in Reno the trip before last I took a lesson on the CATS and a ball check at the Storm booth. The Storm people suggested reverse in the fingers for me.
If I determine that 1/4 away in the fingers is the correct pitch, is this the starting reference point for Bill Taylor's charts?
  I have gotten to the point where I realize that a proper fitting ball will have a big impact on my game. Especially in regards to consistency and accuracy. When the fit is right I get the feel of bowling.

All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!



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Re: Finger Pitches +/- ?
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2004, 01:25:43 AM »
I use 1/2 reverse both fingers and feel i could upto 3/4 reverse in ring finger but shorted my span another 1/16 instead to keep nail from hitting front of grip. I also went to 1 1/4 clt drill and found with these changes it is alomost impossible to hang in the ball now at all. I have a much cleaner release and a ton of forward roll which for my game more up the boards is perfect. I also went 1/8 reverse and 1/8 left lateral with the thumb and again the feel for me is greater but ball comes off hand faster so i have to remember the open hand release or will grab at the bottom of swing and actually kill off the extra revs i gained from being cleaner.


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Re: Finger Pitches +/- ?
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2004, 03:47:25 AM »
My fingers are not very flexible, 5/8 & 3/8 away with 1/4 forward in the thumb. My spans are 4 1/4, 4 1/8 and have been using CLT for several years. I also bevel the thumb or I'll never get out of the ball.

My question pertains to Taylor's belief in 63 degrees for the thumb and at what finger pitches are the thumb referenced to? I'm trying to eliminate grip problems I have discovered that lead to other performance problems.

I had a driller tell me recently that his shop does not do reverse in the fingers. I just nodded my head and went my merry way.

All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!
All I ever wanted to do get to the line on time & throw the ball well!


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Re: Finger Pitches +/- ?
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2004, 10:13:36 AM »
Bill does not say much about finger pitches except that the should be adjusted shorter for more forward than 0 and longer for more reverse.

it is acknowledged that finger pitches were often used on the pro tour to decrease lift ane revs(reverse) and increase revs and lift(forward).
Now that many people are finding themselves somewhat inflexible they are using more pitches to get there fingers flat on the pad of the grip.

REcently I have tried a different set of thumb pitches, more forward with more reverse pitch.  I have seen a slight decrease in revs and lift and also a smoother breakpoint(something I need).  I have also tried this new thumb pitch with my old 0 to 1/32 forward finger pitch and am still assessing.

Flexibility is really the issue.  Customizing around your midpoint also changes reaction.  ie Mo Pinel will often add more forward in middle and some reverse in ring to increase axis tilt or the opposite to decrease axis tilt.


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana