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Author Topic: Finger pitches - Moving pitches right  (Read 1478 times)


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Finger pitches - Moving pitches right
« on: February 02, 2010, 02:57:37 AM »
I read a tip where moving all your pitches right will place more of the weight of the ball towards the index finger.  My question is, my middle finger is pitched left 5/16 and my right is pitched right 9/16, does that mean both fingers now have to pitch both right? and by how much?  Is there a standard as to how much to pitch right?  Does that also mean moving my thumb right as well? (i'm at 0).  My span and pitches feel good, but I don't feel much weight on my index finger.  Please help.  Thanks.



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Re: Finger pitches - Moving pitches right
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2010, 04:24:10 PM »
If your span and pitches feel good I wouldn't mess with them - just my 2 cents worth. Pitching your fingers right will take more of your hand more off the ball. You can get more weight on you index finger by tucking in your pinky tight on your ring finger, and moving your index finger out as far as it will go.


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Re: Finger pitches - Moving pitches right
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2010, 06:25:14 PM »

In my opinion that tip is not a good one. Most drillers use a standard left and a right lateral on the fingers to keep the holes from coming together at the bottom of the holes. Some use 3/8 or maybe 5/16 left and right. If grips are used, some drillers want the grips to lay flush with the ball. My middle finger is crooked, so that finger is drilled 1/2 left and the ring finger is 1/4 right for comfort. Most bowlers want to feel equal pressure on both fingers in the ball. Many bowlers get into trouble when they start changing pitches around. I noticed in your profile that you were 1/8 lateral away on the thumb at some point. That should have helped you stay behind the ball. If you move lateral to the right lateral you would come more around the ball. At zero you have the best of two worlds with hand positions. Dave_in_Rio_Rancho gave you some good advice also, with the pinky finger and don't mess with the pitches, if span and pitches feel good.


the pooh

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Re: Finger pitches - Moving pitches right
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2010, 08:17:43 PM »
I use and believe in this idea. I have 0 lateral on my middle finger and 5/8 right on my ring finger. I use 5/16" reverse in both fingers, for my lack of flexibility. I also use a 3/8" bridge, not including inserts. This allows the ball to sit on the ball of the index finger. For years,(about 42) I had always been told that a narrow bridge was better and preferred by better bowlers. One day while repairing a finger hole, I decided to try a wider bridge. Keep in mind, this is only 1/8" wider than the minimum required to keep the warranty. I had always drilled customer''s ball with a 5/16"bridge.The bridge and the  "right" pitches in the fingers has given me a much better feel and a cleaner release. I did not change my thumb pitches, 1/4 reverse and 0 lateral. This may not be for everybody, but I think it should be tried before you pass judgement against it. If I had listened to "conventional" wisdom, I would have never tried it, and it would have been my loss!
the pooh

Edited on 2/2/2010 9:18 PM

Edited on 2/2/2010 9:39 PM
the pooh