Hi, A buddy of mine ebayed a 2nd Columbia Beast and got a funky pin and top. The pin is 7 1/2" and the top is 5 oz. He does not want this ball aggressive at all so a long pin/pap is fine. He tracks pretty low, 4" over 1" down PAP. The dilemma is I drew the ball up with the pin over the bridge and the cg near the middle of the grip and the pin was on the other side of the VAL. I thought that was a not a good idea so I shifted the CG down by the thumb to lower the pin and it looks like it will need a pretty big balance hole to make it legal thumb weight.
If I use an imaginary pin on the opposite side (6" from cg) it looks like I can keep the CG near the middle and keep the pin inside the VAL over the middle finger. That would result in about 6" pin to PAP and keep the thumb weight in OK.
My question is should I use the opposite pin? Is it bad to have the marked Pin opposite the VAL? Thought the ball would flare the opposite way.
Any help appreciated.