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Author Topic: Pin closer to the pap  (Read 1011 times)


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Pin closer to the pap
« on: March 28, 2006, 01:24:24 PM »

From what I understand, a ball drilled with the pin stacked and 3 3/8" from the pap is the strongest layout for overall hook.  What happens when the pin is closer to the pap?  Does this increase the total hook?  Would it affect the shape of the reaction.  Also, is it better to have the pin under the ring finger if you have a low track, slower speed and low revs, and need a little  help getting the ball to turn over?


Moose Nugget

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Re: Pin closer to the pap
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2006, 10:07:18 PM »
The closer you get to your pap the earlier the ball will pick up a roll.  This will cause the ball to have an arc shape with less overall movement (hook potential).  Placing the pin under your ring will normally help get a ball in to a roll earlier also.  If you have a low track and tend to spin the ball, placing the pin under will help you get the ball to turn over sooner on the lane and will help in oilier conditions.  

Typically a person with a slower ball speed and revolutions tends to bleed off energy too soon on the lane and needs help retaining energy to increase hook potential down the lane.  Pearl and pearl particle balls with Med to High RG cores and lower differentials work better for those with slower speed/revs.