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Author Topic: General drilling questions  (Read 2201 times)


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General drilling questions
« on: August 23, 2007, 03:09:32 PM »
I've got just a few questions about drillings:

When one gets a ball drilled "pin under with CG kicked 45 degrees," what exactly does kicking out the CG mean? I'm curious what all the angles mean. And also, what distances from my PAP to the pin/CG are good for what? This whole world of fine tuned drilling is new and I'd like to try and apply it to my next ball which I should be getting come winter league.
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Re: General drilling questions
« Reply #1 on: August 23, 2007, 11:17:30 PM »
On a symmetrical ball the amount of degrees the CG is kicked out really only indicates how far out the CG was swung.  It's really not that significant in that regard.

On asymmetrical balls it has more meaning, but it still doesn't indicate how far the MB is from the PAP, which is really the only way to indicate how strong the layout is.
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Re: General drilling questions
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2007, 11:25:34 PM »
Kicking the CG out means it's been moved away from the grip center (the standard "label" drill because some ball companies used to engrave the label around the CG).  Adds side weight and allows for the use of a weight hole to fine tune the reaction.

The angle is the PAP-pin-CG angle (MB instead of CG for balls with a marked mass bias).  There are several systems (theories) you can use to lay out a ball; the classic is the pin-to-PAP x CG/MB-to-PAP (e.g., 4x3, 5x5,...).  You can also use the PAP-pin-MB/CG angle with a specified pin-to-PAP distance, you could use pin-to-VAL/MB-to-VAL distances (kinda weird, Ebonite uses it in some of their videos), or go with the old-style MB-weak (track, left of thumb), MB-strong (right of thumb), MB-forward roll (toward VAL), all with specified pin-to-PAP distances.

All are perfectly fine systems with their strengths and weaknesses.  When you start talking about strong asymmetrics with <7s spin times and mid-diffs above about 0.017", it's more important to listen to the manufacturer and how they think the balls should be laid out.  For standard symmetric balls, one is really just as good as the other since the differences between all of the systems is how you place the CG/MB.



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Re: General drilling questions
« Reply #3 on: August 29, 2007, 10:59:42 PM »
I'm a big fan of tuning the cover for desired reaction, it's just that I need to buy another ball or two to finish up my arsenal. My next purchase is probably going to be a T-Road Pearl and I was told by someone in my league to drill it with the pin 5" from my PAP, way above my bridge to get a pretty sick skid/flip type reaction. He has his T-Road Pearl like that and whoa my is it sick. I'll never be able to generate the revs necessary for that type of ball, but I was just curious as to what it all meant really.
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Re: General drilling questions
« Reply #4 on: August 29, 2007, 11:03:15 PM »
On asymmetrical balls it has more meaning, but it still doesn't indicate how far the MB is from the PAP, which is really the only way to indicate how strong the layout is.

I disagree, degree system with asymmetrical is suitable information.

And for the original poster,
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
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Re: General drilling questions
« Reply #5 on: August 30, 2007, 06:05:57 AM »
Very informative article BrunsNick, thank you for that link.
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