Depends where you want to use tha ball. Hook/set is normally good on dryer conditions, but can also work on oilier shots.
Try a 135° layout, with the pin right next to the ring finger, CG in palm and the MB on the track. Works ONLY with a low MB ball like the Infernos! A high MB influence could cause reverse hook or other strange things.
I have a TPC Player with such a layout, sanded to 800 grit (check my review there), and it is a nice ball for oily and later, slighty burned shots. You should get a strong midlane movement with a tamed-down backend, rather an overall arcing ball move. I find it easy to control. Does not look that spectacular, but the ball can deliver its revs in a nice and long straight path to the pocket, rolling through the pins.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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