If you hit up on the ball, you hit up on the ball. The grip/no grip issue will not change the hitting up on the ball. People who have clean releases have that because they just have very good technique.
I find most people who do not use inserts to just be too lazy or cheap to replace the inserts, so they drill it no inserts.
Some people do like the sharper holes and have the type of skin to deal with that.
Your going to start to have to keep tape with you as well. Since the holes do not "give" and your fingers will enlarge and shrink due to many factors. You will probably need to tape the holes up. You also might find during some stretches of weather (cold) that the ball becomes very slick to hold onto. Here again tape with texture will he helpful.
If you have grip issues and you try to use no finger inserts and you do not bevel the holes enough your going to tear your fingers up quickly. Grip pressure needs to be addressed before any changes are made.
There are very top notch players who use inserts and some who do not use inserts. Changing for the sake of seeing some bowlers that do something else is not always the best idea.
Two players that come to mind. Chris Barnes and Pete Weber. No grip pressure at all, and they use inserts. Top notch players. Some other top notch players use no grips, Norm Duke for instance. Bowlers try to be somebody they are not, instead of being just themselves. Work with the feel that is best for you.
Normally if somebody comes to me and they want to try this, I try my best to talk them out of it. Sometimes I refuse to drill it like that. I'm not in business, so my only goal is to provide solutions that work best for the bowler. The answer "Well, just because I want to" or "Well, that other guy does that" doesn't fly with me. I try to stay away from excessive "playing around" when it comes to the bowlers grip. This leads bowlers into a whole lot of problems once they start experimenting with grip.
If your span is correct, and pitches are correct you will not need to change anything in your grip when going from inserts to no inserts. Since you talking about pitch changes and such, this leads me to believe your going to start to get into the "experimenting" phase. Find a good pro shop and have them evaluate your fit before the experimenting.
Edited by Xx 12 X 300 xX on 1/21/2012 at 3:45 PM