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Author Topic: Going from Inserts to Clean holes  (Read 5650 times)


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Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« on: January 21, 2012, 12:57:41 AM »
I have been using vacu inserts for years but am noticing that several of the top players in the area are now going to clean finger holes, for a more consistent feel.


Right now my fingers are 1/2 pitched left/right 0 up and down with a 1/4 inch bridge.


Should I try to copy this exact layout when switching to clean holes?




Yo Yo Yo Mo Fo


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Re: Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2012, 02:51:25 PM »
Plastic drinking straws are good shims.   Easily available at the snack bar.


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Re: Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2012, 08:30:57 PM »
I use the largest size my fingers get, currently 25/32" and 3/4". On these cold winter mornings, my fingers are still cold and smaller than they will be by the middle of the first game + warm-ups. So I stick the shims behind the inserts to start the evening. I remove them as my fingers get warmer and the friction makes them larger.
Recently I've done a lot of writing and the writing callus on my middle finger got larger and required me to open up the hole a little bit with sandpaper and re-install the inserts. So if your inserts are installed with just 2 drops of glue, they're easier to remove with a 1/8" flat blade screwdriver, and reglue. I put the 2 drops on the sides. And have my driller do the same on initial installation.
To install and remove shims, just stick the same screwdriver between the back of the insert and the back of the hole, spread it slightly and put in however many shims are needed at that time. Shims can be cut from old business cards or I have also used these Adjust-a-Grips from Milo's Sports Products:
RayRay310 wrote on 1/21/2012 3:48 PM: Charlest, like you my fingers shrink and swell like crazy. Last week I couldn't get my fingers in the ball this week they were perfect (nice and tight). I'm thinking og going up one size and maybe using small flat tile shims to aid with swelling and shrinking.

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Re: Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2012, 06:34:54 AM »
I drilled up a test fit for clean holes,


decreased my span by 1/16 on each finger and put 1/8 reverse on the fingers and only 1/4 reverse on my thumb as compared to 1/2. While i'll be throwing it toinght, from just a couple practice releases in the house last night this felt very comfortable.

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Re: Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« Reply #19 on: January 23, 2012, 06:51:52 AM »
I went away from inserts in 2002 because of the inconsistent feel from ball to ball. Since then I've been very pleased. I prefer it over inserts.
Now by clean do you mean no.very little bevel or sanding of the edges? Regional player did that here for a while before changing back to inserts then to no inserts and sanded edges. When bowling bad sometimes anything sounds like a good idea I guess.
I sand mine to get a smooth edge and use tape as needed on the back side to deal with any swelling or shrinking but really has never been an issue.  I really didn't have any issues with finger pain or any other problems after going away from inserts. For me the feel is way better, more consistent and in the end what I prefer.

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Re: Going from Inserts to Clean holes
« Reply #20 on: January 24, 2012, 08:12:30 AM »
Here is what I can offer on the subject.  I went from grips to finger tip not inserts about 8 years ago.  Won't ever go back.  I prefer the clean feel coming out of the ball.  I believe most people think grips help with gaining revolutions, mine was the opposite.  That being said, comfort is to each his own, I find my way more comfortable, you may not.  Some of those things are solely based on the desires of the bowler and nobody can tell you this is the right way or that.  I don't have problems with swelling in my fingers, don't know if that is cause of how clean I clear the ball or how my holes are drilled.  My dad also recently switched after being with every kind of insert imaginable including vacu.  He has greatly improved his game and less pain in his wrist.  Now span, fit and a hundred other factors can lead to all this.  Trial and error is the best way to find something you like and that works for you.  
  Most importantly      This is how I drill my fingers to ensure ball to ball feels the same.  If you look at your finger you will notice that it may be wider than it is thick.  Mine is, not everyone has this.  So what I did was oval my fingers.  My middle finger for example.  I measured width and thickness with a caliper.   Then subtract the two numbers.  Say for the sake of conversation width is 1/2 inch and thickness is 3/8 inch.  That leaves a difference of 1/8 inch.  In digital numbers that is .125.  Now divide that by 3 and you get .042 rounded to 3 spots.  To drill it, use the bit that matches your smallest reading in this case, 3/8.  Drill your first hole nearest your bridge, then take 3 swipes each time moving .042 to the left. This works best on a press that has the ability to track movements by tenths and hundreths of an inch.   3 swipes at .042 will give you a total of .125 which is your width.  Now your hole is the exact width and thickness of your finger. If you do this properly, every ball will fit the same.  I think the reason I don't get swelling on my fingers is because all of my finger holes fit so perfect for me.  I believe for my ring finger I use 5/8 lateral pitch to start with and then drill first hole in by the bridge and drill my extra swipes on the right side of the finger hole moving away from the bridge.   That process seems a lot more confusing written down than it is watching it done.  I just drilled out 5 balls last week and they took 5 minutes each to do the fingers.  Call me and I can answer any questions you may have about it.  I can also send you pictures of what mine look like to help visualize it.  Ben Goergen   701-426-2964
 Everyone on here has an opinion as to what works, what doesn't, what is crazy and whether or not you are crazy.  But they don't know you, your game, or your body so they really don't know much.  I just gave you my experience with this change and how I do it. Your results will vary I am sure.   Try stuff out and see what works.        Hope this helps.