The Train is a symmetrical ball so there will be no MB marking. SImply draw a line from the pin through the CG and mark the MB 6 3/4 from the PIN on that line. Choose a dual angle layout around (60-90 degrees) x (4.5-5.5) x 70 degreese. The second angle will keep the pin down so you don't have to put a balance hole too far up your VAL.
Keep the pin down
Keep the "mark-it-yourself" MB near the thumb and you should weigh out fine.
With the higher MB angle it will help push the ball down the lane, which will be good for him b/c his lower ball speed
The higher Pin angle will slow the ball down off the spot (less flippy) which once again will help him control it.
The train is a big hooker, so a weaker drilling will help him use it more.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH