With a 241 average you don't need much help!
Common wisdom says the more left for a righty...the more easy to stay behind the ball.
I recently have been trying MORE lateral under and more reverse and I am finding that it is setting me up to have a more aggressive rotational release.
ie my hand in the backswing FEELS like it is more behind the ball.
I found the same thing in golf.....a more aggressive or stronger grip allowed one to load....use more of a loaded position and then one can be more aggressive where it counts. So I am starting to think it is with lateral under palm pitch.
One thing I have noticed for me however....lateral under palm combined with forward thumb pitch in front of the charts tends to make me wrap around the side of the ball...prematurely as per your post above.
PS if I was rambling I AM saying...I am differing with conventional wisdom here!
Open the door...see what's possible...and just walk right on through...that's how easy success feels..