I am going to be bowling in a house that is known for EXTREMELY DRY backends. I try to throw reactive equipment pearlized, and it cleans the heads fine, but as soon as it hits the backend, it hooks way too far brooklyn. I try particle pearl, but it does the same thing. I tried a ebonite fire drilled weak, and it hooks too much one shot and too little the next (very inconsistant). I tried urethane, and this is the only thing that works, however there is no power with the urethane. My question is, what type of ball should I use for this pattern? Here are my ideas: I can possibly drill a particle sanded weak and make it not read the backends. I can possibly drill a solid reactive and drill it weak. My other question is, what ball should I use specifically? I was thinking of a super charge or depth charge. These balls are midlane, and I think would do good in not reading the extremely dry backends. ANY comments accepted. Ask me questions if your not sure on precise information!
My info: Left handed, medium revs, medium speed.
Lanes to be bowled on: Extremely dry backends, outside oil (already tried playing the oil there, too inconsistant, and if pulled a board or two, will hit 10 pin!)