I am bowlign with a 76 year old man who is starting to really throw slow. he is very accurate and has decent turn and a nice smooth release. I am looking to get him a Ebonite Black ice and I want to have it drilled so it will allow him to play straight up 2nd arrow with a medium to slight bend or arc. nothing that turns sharply. We bowl on a THS that tends to dry up straight up the baords failry quickly. He has tried urethane with some success but the hit on them is not always that good. I was thinking the Black Ice would provide a little more impact. Any recommendations on drillings?? I was thinking a medium rg arc drilling. Pin under ring cg left of grip center, amybe a 2 inch pin or so. any thoughts? Also what surface prep should I give it?? I was thinking 1500, wet sand, then ebonite polish. help is greatly appreciated. doug
"I'd quit this game if I thought anyone would give a damn!"
"If Fishing is a Sport, well then you're looking at an athlete!"