Well, unless you have a flood the likes of which I have never, ever seen on a house shot, it doesn't surprise me that you're leaving a lot of corner pins with your Invasion. A super duper strong oiler with pretty much the strongest layout possible on a house shot is almost always a bad idea, even if you are a little speed dominant. That ball is going to want to use up its energy in the wrong part of the lane. Instead of saving some energy for the back part of the lane, it starts reading the lane early and bleeds off that energy and rotation you need to create angle in the backend and good pin action.
Since it's a house shot, I assume you've got a fair bit of friction to the outside part of the lane, even if the middle is oily. If you have anything weaker, I strongly recommend trying to use it and take advantage of the friction. I likewise don't rev it up much, and I can throw a strong ball in the middle part of the lane on a house shot, but really my best bet is something more like a a strong pearl with a very, very light coat of polish and lengthy drill, or a weak pearl with surface and a strong drill.