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Author Topic: Help me understand Pin position for low track and high track bowlers  (Read 7645 times)


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Hi guys, can anyone explain to me how the effect of pin position for low tracker would differ to high tracker when doing layout. My current understanding is high tracker would have flare close to fingers and thumb holes whereas low trackers would be further i.e. 2-4inch from the finger holes. With larger diameter of track flare for high tracker = encounter more friction and earlier ball reaction. and for low tracker, small track diameter = a bit less friction and later ball reaction. Also, if both style throw a 4 inch pin to PAP, the reaction is different. The ball would seem a bit weak if thrown the low tracker.

I am puzzled when it come to do layout for the low trackers. What key point I need to understand in laying out a low tracker ball? If their PAP is 4" x 1", would the 3 3/8" pin to PAP still be giving the same max flare thing?
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Re: Help me understand Pin position for low track and high track bowlers
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 08:57:09 PM »
What you need to realize is that although the track is lower, it USUALLY does not have the same track diameter as a high tracker. The Track diameter is used to calculate and is directly related to the axis tilt for each bowler. The lower track player USUALLY has more axis tilt.

This means the ball skids longer before the ball begins to flare. Yes, 3 3/8" will still maximize the POTENTIAL flare (more revs = more flare for the same pin poisition.) but the flare will happen later down the lane.

For this reason, people with a lower track will USUALLy require either a lower pin position at the same pin distance (higher VAL angle, if you use dual angle drillings) or a closer pin position (3") to get an EQUIVALENT ball reaction.
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