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Author Topic: Finger hole hitting a void around pin  (Read 1618 times)


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Finger hole hitting a void around pin
« on: September 09, 2010, 04:09:09 PM »
I am pretty sure it is illegal for finger holes to run into each other, what about if the ring finger (just below and to the right of the pin) seems to hit a void that is around the pin?  I had a ball drilled at lunch today, gave it a good inspection at the shop and after work at home while giving it a good cleaning and noticed nothing wrong.  I bowled 3 practice games tonight and used the new ball for games 2 and 3.  Duringthe last game I noticed what looked like a hole near the bottom of the ring finger.  Could this have shaken loose during bowling?  And does this make the ball illegal?  Here is a link to a pic:¤t=0909102345.jpg