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Author Topic: difference between CG axis and Pin axis  (Read 2645 times)


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difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« on: March 30, 2006, 03:05:00 PM »
Explain please, have a ball in mind, was going to go CG axis, then thought about Pin axis, not sure of the differences between the two, if I go CG axis, i'll use a longer pin, put near the fingers, probably up and right (about a 4 to 4 1/2 pin-to-PAP), if I go Pin axis, i'll probably still use a longer pin, and set place the CG either on the midline or in the thumb quadrant.

PAP for me is 5 over, 1/2 up, planning to use this on something like a Mercury/Sonic/Ice/Vibe/etc.
Andrew Loose

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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #1 on: March 31, 2006, 05:54:39 AM »
The reaction i'm looking for is kind of a "go long and die" type reaction, something for the lighter side of mediums and playing outside of 5.  The trouble I have with my lighter reacting stuff (Ice pin above bridge, polished, and a Puma, pin under bridge, rough buff) is that it's too strong off the dry, i'm looking for something that will definitely even out the reaction on the backend.  I'm not worried about pin axis revving too early, I can play with the cover and get more length, i'm more worried about the over-reaction on the backend.
Andrew Loose

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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #2 on: March 31, 2006, 06:20:21 PM »
Putting the cg on your axis will cause the ball to have an earlier roll.  Generally the further from your center of grip the cg is the earlier it is going to hook.  Then you will need an xtra hole.  I have drilled a few like this and did not like either one.

Pin on the axis is a very stable drill pattern.  It is mainly for wet dry conditions.  I have also tried this one and did not like it either.  This drill pattern will not allow the ball to flare very much.  If you are a cranker and your house pattern is very dry to the outside you could probably get away with it, but otherwise you will probably not have much use for it.

Walking E

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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #3 on: March 31, 2006, 06:26:22 PM »
Wane Webb gave a 1 hour class on these drillings today on ESPN Classic

What show was this?
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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #4 on: March 31, 2006, 08:06:02 PM »
Try a 2x0, with the pin on a line from the pap to the ring finger. Put a crater on the pap, and hit the ball with the finish of your choice. Unless you cable it into the dry at 10 feet, you should be fine. Just don't jack on it.


  Have to agree with the above statement. Had a granite gargoyle with this drilling ( pin was lower than the fingers), weighthole on pap, drilled back to almost zero side. Highly polished ( and I mean HIGHLY!)

  I could play the track area all day with this ball. It LIKED a strong hand release, and was as predictable as anything I have ever thrown. It is one of the only balls I have been able to play the drier track area without over reaction. This ball was as smooth as glass.  It is the only ball I have really wanted to replace since going back to 15's.

 I think it was more the drilling than the ball.  Tried it on a killer instinct sanded and got similar results.
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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #5 on: April 01, 2006, 10:41:45 AM »
So the "axis" drills would be a no-no for high trackers?  I do track generally high, so would this be something I should generally steer clear from?  I do like Jeremy's idea of 2x0 pin on line from PAP to ring, that should work rather well.
Andrew Loose

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Re: difference between CG axis and Pin axis
« Reply #6 on: April 03, 2006, 10:37:58 AM »
I have a feeling I can accomplish this also with a "rico" type layout, pin in palm, CG at 45 degrees, weighthole 6 3/4" away from pin, or a pin in palm, CG on midline with a hole out near my pap, would something like this work as well?  

Jeremy, I suppose i'm not as high as I used to be, switching to 15# did help lower my track a bit, on some layouts I do track one or two flare rings over the thumb though...
Andrew Loose

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