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Author Topic: Help with my Flame!!  (Read 1499 times)


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Help with my Flame!!
« on: July 15, 2003, 06:12:06 AM »
I drilled up a flame reactive orange.  I need some help with what I believe is going to be a weight hole on where I should place it.  I am fairly new to drilling my own equipment so any help would be appreciated.  I drilled it up like this diagram below.

o o
I threw the ball and I am tracking over the top edge of the thumb hole.  I usually track just to the left about a 1/4 in from the bottom.  So I took it home and scaled it again.  I have a 1/4 thumb weight, and 5/8 top weight.  Most of my equipment I use has about a 1/4 finger weight with about 1 - 2oz of top weight.  I do have one ball, which is the diesel particle that has 1/4 thumb weight and 2 5/8 top weight.  So I am figuring that I need more top weight to bring the track down.  Please let me know if I am right and where I should put the weight hole to gain some top weight.  I also do not have a thumb slug in it right now and I am planning on putting one in as soon as they arrive.  I thought that I would mention that in case that will help the tracking in any way which I don't believe it will.  Thanks for you help, Derek

Edited on 7/15/2003 9:17 PM



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Re: Help with my Flame!!
« Reply #1 on: July 15, 2003, 10:46:01 PM »
This is a 3 piece (pancake core) ball. With these, thumb weight and negative side weights generally have a much greater effect on a ball's reaction. One effect is that negative side weight and thumb weight can bring a track up slightly higher than it normally is. Side weight and finger weight lower it slightly. If you normally track high as you inidcate, I believe the thumb weight could be raising the track just enough to track over it.

2 piece core (dynamic core) balls like the Diesel will not be affected as much by thumb/side/finger and top weight. It is affected more by pin/CG/MB placement.

I hope some knowledgable driller, like king of the mill or others, can corroborate this.

I suspect that if you drill your thumb hole deeper to remove the thumb weight
or at least some of it, that may lower the track enough.

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Re: Help with my Flame!!
« Reply #2 on: July 15, 2003, 11:25:49 PM »
I had the same problem with my orange flame, high track, same drilling.  I had another driller take a stab at lowering the track but it seemed that the more the ball tracked up the sooner it thumped.  

I still have a pic of the ball with weight hole if interested.


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Re: Help with my Flame!!
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2003, 11:40:42 PM »
This is a common problem with this ball. Storm has included instructions with this ball ( At least they did with mine) that mention the problem of ttracking over the thumb, and they tell you to avoid certain drillings.