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Author Topic: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?  (Read 2200 times)


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Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« on: May 16, 2005, 05:07:13 PM »
I apologize in advance for the tone of this post!

Hey guys what do you think about me going to forward pitch!?
Other questions like this:
1. should I stretch my span?
2. Should I shorten my span?
3. should I add lateral out pitch.
4. Should I add lateral under my palm pitch?
5. Should I use an oval thumbhole?
6.  Should I use a round thumbhole?

These questions are asked in a vacumm?  In other words no other info is given and the question is asked as if it was a poll and the results come up.

OK it's 7 to 2 forward pitch....I'll try it!  Ball reviews has ruled!




To ask a question like this realize the professional driller and passionate hobbyist(like myself), needs to know things like....


How far over the lip are your last joints?
How stetched is your hand while doing the above test?
How easily does a pencil slip under your palm while in the grip?
Do you wear a wristbrace?
Do you have any symptoms of wear you want to tell me about?
What are the symptoms in your bowling you'd like to change?

FOR pitches:
Do you have any wear on your thumb or fingers you'd like to tell me about?
How flexible is your last joing of your middle and ring finger?
What direction do they bend?
How much lateral thumb pitch does your hand call for.  AMF drilling method pencil pickup or Coke bottle test to determine lateral.
How much forward and reverse thumb flexibility do you show?
What is your current span and how proper is that!?
Is your thumb short? or long?
Do you drop or hang?
Do you pull shots because of thumb grab?  
Do you have a lot of bevel or virtually no bevel.
Have you done the Mo Pinel bevel test?
Is your thumb oval shape or round!  Do you have front to back or side taper?
Any other complaints about how ball coming off hand you'd like to fix!


Because of the uniqueness of each hand,

NEVER NEVER NEVER is the right question "Do you guys think i should have forward pitch"???  "I hear forward is good!"?

If I haven't offended you and there is no malice meant in the way I've described the questions I have seen lately then maybe this post has been helpful to some of our newer posters in the drilling section.

I've meant to msg some of the recent and newer questioners and just didn't have the time to gently ask them some of the above questions to get them pointed in the right direction.


PS remember YOUR hand is unique!!!  There is a proper set of spans and pitches that will fit your hand to help you bowl better, and as one of our top bowlers Jim Ensminger says very well....IT may be different if you bowled on different conditions also!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana



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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2005, 01:25:46 AM »
hey lucky lefty, I've always had 1/8th reverse in my thumb, but I think I'd be able to throw it harder if I put in forward so i could stay in the ball longer. What do you think


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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2005, 01:36:34 AM »

SOmeone got the idea!


It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2005, 08:05:26 AM »
Got another one which we've talked about briefly.

With reverse, although it allows a perfect release, it needs a perfect fitted thumb. So, whenever there's any shrinking or expanding of my thumb for any reason, I may not feel it immediately, but all of a sudden the ball won't feel right for 2 frames before I think of adding or removing yet another piece of tape.

With less reverse, 0x0 in my case, my release remains good while I feel the change (the need for more or less thumb hole tape) BEFORE it affects my release. That is A VERY GOOD THING!
Just like hand grenades and horse shoes, in bowling you only have to get close ...
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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2005, 10:02:31 AM »
However again this is stated in a vacumm!!

REverse is not GOOD or BAD.

Everything is based around a persons SPAN and flexibility of thumb as far as forward or reverse.

Some extreme examples.

Joe is a large fellow and has a span of 5 1/4.  His thumb flexibility is 75 degrees when his thumb is pushed back.  With a reverse of 1/2 inch(standard off the tables) he just can't get out of the ball cleanly so his driller increases his reverse to 5/8...   Ah perfect.

Sam Charlest.... Charlest's little brother has a span of 3 7/8.  His driller has drilled him with 3/16 forward and yet Sam can't hold on to the ball it flies off unless he squeezes and his thumb fit is snug!  His driller adjusts tests his thumb flexibility forward and back and finds it is 135 degrees.
He adjusts his forward to 5/16 forward,....result....butter!

Third example
Joe Big fellows brother Sam from above is a large fellow too.  His thumb flexiblity is much different from his brothers 115 degrees.  He also has a large span of 5 1/4 inches.  WHen he uses his brothers ball and takes a backswing(the one with the 5/8 reverse) the ball flies backwards hits the alley griddle and bounces down between two nice grilling burgers and starts frying!

Taking the ball in to Joe Big's driller the driller notices the 115 degree flexibility and drills for Sam Big Fella a ball with tthe same span and a as Joe Big fellas at 5 1/4 but a thumb pitch of 3/8 reverse.  Now when Sam takes his backswing two fry cooks duck but the ball flings out on to the alley and throws a thundering strike.

FORWARD or REVERSE is not good or bad!
Polls at ball reviews do not determine the right answer!

Actual results of bowling in relationship to the 63 degree table developed by Bill Taylor determine the direction of adjustment to get results.



It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana


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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #5 on: May 17, 2005, 10:06:46 AM »

OK, vacuum, noted...

how about:  "Is it OK to have different pitches in different balls?"  Doesn't that cause inconsistency when switching back and forth?  Yea, yea, I know you bowling gods switch between pitches, ball weights, right-to-left hand at will.  But what about us hacks?

"And their kids were hippie chicks all hypocrites
Because fashion is smashin' the true meaning of it"


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Re: Hey guys .... should I go to forward pitch?
« Reply #6 on: May 17, 2005, 10:20:25 AM »
Having different pitches in different balls is probably a Regional tour level and above types of thing!  You don't have to do it and local hacks like myself probably don't have to either!

But sometimes I do anyway just to try it!


PS King of the Mill frequently guides me in to my foray's on different pitches to try!
It takes Courage to have Faith, and Faith to have Courage.

James M. McCurley, New Orleans, Louisiana