His/your driller is the one who should be doing this. Not you canvassing ballreviews for drilling secrets. Sorry. I'm sure if answers to your questions will allow you to do what you think you want to do.
Drilling is half science, half art, and half voo-doo. No humor intended.
You need to take into account his ball speed/rev rate ratio, ball speed, rev rate, PAP, tilt, rotation, lane oil pattern, and lane surface before picking out a ball, no less a drilling AND a surface for that ball. A god, eduated, experienced driller is the proper one to combine those factors and make the right choice.
Unless he is somewhat consistent in his delivery, he make still not like the ball fo rmore than 20 seconds, from the tone of your post.
I have some questions you might want to consider before proceeding -
As for his Seek and Destroy and Caride Plus no longer performing, does/did he clean it/them after every league session and practice BEFORE putting it/them back into the bag. Has it/they ever been rejuvenated by ANY method?
and why is he so anxious to stay away from particles? (bet it has something to do with PERCEIVED "ball death" (even though Lanemasters particles are some the longest lasting balls made these days.

Nice to be a friend, but can you provide the miracles he's looking for? (no sarcasm & no joke intended)
GOod luck.
"None are so blind as those who will not see." Unofficial Ballreviews.com FAQEdited on 2/25/2008 8:42 PM