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Author Topic: High Tracker Layout  (Read 1803 times)


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High Tracker Layout
« on: November 06, 2011, 02:47:36 PM »
According to Mo's dual angle layouts, high trackers (like me 6 x 0) should use val angles that place the pin above our fingers. Here is the crazy part, my favorite pattern when i was throwing 16s was 5 x 5 with the pin above the grips. I used this to play up the lanes and circle the lanes. I shot 300 and 299 with pin up 15s that had sarge easter grips. Now i also averaged 220 for 10 games with a pin down ball and have had success with other pin down balls. But could there be something to this??? Any other high trackers have more success with pin up stuff than pin down stuff??? Is this more just to keep the bowtie from flaring over the grips??? I do that with two handed stuff that is pin down or in the fingers ....

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