I broke my ring finger at the first joint on my bowling hand about a year or so ago. I kept on bowling, but was only using my middle finger and thumb in the holes, and my ring finger in a metal splint. I did pretty good, bowling a number of games in the 220-230's, and for the time, pretty consistant in being in and around 200.
As my finger healed, I talked to my ball driller friend about the Sarge Easter grip, so he converted one of my balls for me to try it out. I tried it and hated it. It actually made my finger sore all over again, because the finger was deeper in the hole and would get tweaked on the way out.
What I had my driller do was, while still keeping a finger tip grip, I had him plug the ring finger hold and drop it down about a 1/4", and this did the trick! It was more relaxed in the hole (because I had difficulty making my finger straight) and was not getting hung up, causing more pain or re-injury.