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Author Topic: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???  (Read 7711 times)


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How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« on: February 15, 2005, 02:52:44 AM »
I drill my hot rod stock pro pearl like this



and i thoiught that this was one of the weakest drills u could put in a ball (the pin above the fingers and the cg in the center of the span)
well with this drill this ball goes long but then is uncontrolable in the backend...i just can not throw it and thats killing me because it hits like a truck...but i can not use with the purposr that i was looking that was to play track area or outside..but i cant because as soon as it hits the dry boards it hooks a ton
so what can i do???
should i drill it again? how?


Ernie McCracken

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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2005, 11:11:18 AM »
My Dry Heat is drilled very close to your ball with one exception.  My pin is directly above the middle finger and I think that's the key to backend control.  My RevMaster was drilled like your ball and the backend was crazy!  I tried everything I could think of to tame that thing down but no success so I gave it away.
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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2005, 01:17:10 PM »
could drill it so that ur thumb goes through the mb marking. will need a weight hole i think. not quite sure on that.


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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2005, 02:16:19 PM »

Normally what you did produces a very flippy ball reaction, the Monsoon coverstock being extremely reactive, especially in pearl form is doing just what you drilled it to do. YOu kind of have to bbe selective in both the ball's design and the drilling to go along with the oil pattern AND your delivery.

Pin in track and pin on your axis point drillings, IN GENERAL, produce the least "reactivity".

However, I wonder if a different ball would suit your purposes better?

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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2005, 09:47:06 PM »
jonah300 -- There's a couple of things you can try before changing the layout.  First, sand the ball to about 600 grit, that will make it break earlier and smoother.  If it's still too jumpy, drill a balance hole on your PAP and take the side weight to 1/2 oz negative.  --  JohnP


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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2005, 09:49:49 PM »

Pin on the PAP or at 6.75" will cause the ball not to flare.

would this cause an unusual weight hole placement?  i take it that a long pin ball would be better for this?

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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2005, 12:39:12 PM »

Pin on the PAP or at 6.75" will cause the ball not to flare.

would this cause an unusual weight hole placement?  

Depends on where you place the CG, how much top weight it started with, etc., etc.


i take it that a long pin ball would be better for this?


A different ball would be a better choice.
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Re: How can i drill a ball for minimum hook???
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2005, 10:21:01 PM »
why not just get a barbed wire or original hot rod and drill it like that?...i have a pro stock pearly drilled exactly the same way you do, except i was expecting the aggressive backend because of the cover.  i would seriously try one of those two other balls, since the covers are weaker(especially the barbed wire) and should give you more control at the breakpoint.