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Author Topic: High and low trackers roll  (Read 3067 times)


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High and low trackers roll
« on: June 20, 2009, 11:48:36 AM »
Hi everyone,
Can anyone explain how the motion (skid-hook-roll) differs between high trackers and low trackers? Provided that they have the same amount of revs and ball speed (and of course playing in the same lane condition).

Thank you,



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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2009, 08:31:15 PM »
If a low track bowler and a high track bowler have the same number of revs, speed, are using a ball with similar hook characteristics, and are playing on the same lanes and at the same time, the high tracker's ball motion will be quite a bit stronger, since more of the surface (larger diameter) of the ball is touching the lane (meaning that the ball will actually be digging/revving much harder), and therefore will hook quite a bit more and sooner, forcing this person to have a target that is more in on the lane (in the oil), as opposed to the low tracker, who needs to find dry area quicker (as his/her ball is not digging/revving as hard) in order for the ball not to skid too long/far, and to find the right spot down the lane to hook/roll and properly turn the corner into the pocket.
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2009, 12:36:40 AM »
Can't both a high and low tracker have the same track diameter?
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2009, 01:24:48 AM »
Can't both a high and low tracker have the same track diameter?
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2009, 01:51:41 AM »
If you define "high-tracker" as someone who comes close to the finger and thumb holes, yes.

What determines "high-tracker" and "low-tracker" is the PAP and its relationship to tilt. I'll give you an example:

When someone says they have a PAP of "6 1/2 over," what's the first thing that pops into many people's heads? A high-tracker who comes straight up behind the ball. But it can also mean a very low-track spinner.

If your PAP is 6 1/2 over but you have 90 degrees of tilt, the centerline of the grip will be rotating around the ball's equator as it goes down the lane. It will have the same general track size as a true spinner, a person who has, say, a PAP of 0 over and no tilt (the delivery that produces such a spin for a 0/0 bowler would be akin to unscrewing the lid off a jar, or spinning a top). The only difference would be the location of the track itself -- on the 6 1/2 over, 90-degrees of tilt bowler, the track would be located on the side of the ball. For the 0 over/no tilt bowler, the track would be on the bottom of the ball.

Once you can make that make sense in your head, you can plot out anyone's track based on their PAP measurement and tilt numbers.

To answer the original question, let's take someone who has a PAP of 6 1/2 over, 0 up, with no or very little tilt -- i.e., the classic high-tracker who comes right up the back of the ball.

Now, assume you had a guy that had a PAP of 0 over 0 up -- but also threw with very high tilt. To do this would require a really strange delivery with the wrist in a funky position, but it's possible. And here's how you could do it:

Find a wall with a light switch controlled by a rheostat rather than a switch. Hold your right arm straight out in front of you and grab the rheostat. Now, while still holding the rheostat, turn your body 90 degrees left so that you're facing the wall to the left of the one on which the rheostat is mounted. Your arm should almost be straight away from your body, as if it were a bird's wing rather than a human arm.

Now imagine, as you stand there, that you are looking straight down a bowling lane. Now turn the rheostat back and forth. Take a look at the rheostat and notice what's happening.

If you could throw a bowling ball that way, what you would see on the ball is this: If you looked down at the ball from directly above, the center point of your grip -- the halfway point between thumb and finger holes -- would be like the center of the face of a clock. The oil rings would go around the entire ball  like a circular frame and "frame" the grip -- the finger holes would be towards 11 and 1 o'clock, and the thumbhole towards 6 o'clock. The track lines wouldn't be close to either the thumb or the finger holes, but the diameter would be just as big as the that of the traditional "high-tracker's" diameter.

I have seen this track, or one like it, on a couple of bowlers, and both of them shared the same hobby -- third basemen on softball teams. Their natural inclination was to release the ball almost sidearm rather than a pendulum-style delivery. In their effort to put revs on the ball, they would turn their wrists over, counter-clockwise, at delivery, as if turning a rheostat or a knob on a radio. Neither were very good bowlers, but that's the concept in action.

Now, you can also have a spinner produce a track near the fingers or thumb, but you would have to have a PAP measurement of something like 11 over, 3 up or 11 over, 3 down, and the human wrist isn't built to do such a trick. It's not really meant to deliver a bowling ball at 0/0/90 or 6.5/0/90, either, but those two are at least doable.


Edited on 6/21/2009 1:55 AM


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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #5 on: June 21, 2009, 04:04:01 AM »
Great post Jess. But getting back to the question at hand, a standard high tracker to a standard low tracker will have a very large gap between them. I have a PAP of aprox. 6 1/8x1/2up. I find myself far left of almost everyone else because I also do it with about 350 RPMs. Lets say two guys are throwing the same ball, same speed, same revs on the same oil pattern. One has a PAP like mine while the other is looking at 5x1 1/5up (a little extreme for my point but I have seen more) my pap will be covering several inches more of surface on every revolution. This will translate to a lot more boards of motion. Now Jess is right, if the two angles of release for these bowlers are extremely different then all bets are off. But generally a high track bowler will have far more motion than a low track bowler.
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #6 on: June 21, 2009, 04:29:53 AM »
This is an interesting post.

I am somewhat of a power player(normally 17-18mph and a rev rate approaching 500). A couple of years ago when I was bowling collegiately, my PAP was 5 3/4 over and 3/4 up. Now, after some sort of hand injury that I have yet to diagnose, my PAP is 2 1/4 over and 2 3/4 up which in my opinion is extremely bizarre. Anyway, when comparing the reaction that I get now to the reaction I got back then, I find that they are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Nowadays, when I get on a heavier volume of oil, I go through games where I can't get any ball in my bag to budge on the back end. However, in my college days, I never had a problem getting a reaction down lane.

Contrastly, when I get on a lighter volume on oil, I almost never have a problem getting the ball to the spot down lane. In my college days, I would run into the problem of my ball picking up way too soon and having a funky reaction down lane.

Anyway, I don't really have the bowling intelligence to explain why any of this happened or even determine whether it is normal for these drastic changes to occur. However, this is what I experienced going from a high tracker to a low tracker.
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Edited on 6/21/2009 4:35 AM


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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #7 on: June 21, 2009, 06:42:54 AM »
i agree with jess.

tilt is much more important then track PAP.

i used to track high but at my release I would turn just a little early and come around the side of the ball. so while my track covered a LOT of the ball it also skidded more then my brothers and hes a low tracker. im still learning how to stop "spinning" it but it proved to me that track distance does not determine hook in oil... tilt AND track does!


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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #8 on: June 21, 2009, 10:51:08 AM »
This is an interesting post.

I am somewhat of a power player(normally 17-18mph and a rev rate approaching 500). A couple of years ago when I was bowling collegiately, my PAP was 5 3/4 over and 3/4 up. Now, after some sort of hand injury that I have yet to diagnose, my PAP is 2 1/4 over and 2 3/4 up which in my opinion is extremely bizarre. Anyway, when comparing the reaction that I get now to the reaction I got back then, I find that they are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Nowadays, when I get on a heavier volume of oil, I go through games where I can't get any ball in my bag to budge on the back end. However, in my college days, I never had a problem getting a reaction down lane.

Contrastly, when I get on a lighter volume on oil, I almost never have a problem getting the ball to the spot down lane. In my college days, I would run into the problem of my ball picking up way too soon and having a funky reaction down lane.

Anyway, I don't really have the bowling intelligence to explain why any of this happened or even determine whether it is normal for these drastic changes to occur. However, this is what I experienced going from a high tracker to a low tracker.
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Edited on 6/21/2009 4:35 AM

Your change is exactly as I explained. Most likely, when your pap changed like that your track also started covering less area. This will allow the ball to be higher revs without picking up early or over react.
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2009, 12:13:11 PM »
This is an interesting post.

I am somewhat of a power player(normally 17-18mph and a rev rate approaching 500). A couple of years ago when I was bowling collegiately, my PAP was 5 3/4 over and 3/4 up. Now, after some sort of hand injury that I have yet to diagnose, my PAP is 2 1/4 over and 2 3/4 up which in my opinion is extremely bizarre. Anyway, when comparing the reaction that I get now to the reaction I got back then, I find that they are at opposite ends of the spectrum.

Nowadays, when I get on a heavier volume of oil, I go through games where I can't get any ball in my bag to budge on the back end. However, in my college days, I never had a problem getting a reaction down lane.

Contrastly, when I get on a lighter volume on oil, I almost never have a problem getting the ball to the spot down lane. In my college days, I would run into the problem of my ball picking up way too soon and having a funky reaction down lane.

Anyway, I don't really have the bowling intelligence to explain why any of this happened or even determine whether it is normal for these drastic changes to occur. However, this is what I experienced going from a high tracker to a low tracker.
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Edited on 6/21/2009 4:35 AM

You've explained yourself very well, and examplified what I was trying to depict.
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Re: High and low trackers roll
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2009, 09:36:29 PM »
And to add to that, my PAP is 4 over 3/8 up. Every time I post that here, people say, "Oh, you're a spinner," or "you have such a low track." Neither is true.

I only have between 8 and 13 degrees tilt on my normal delivery (although I can use more tilt if needed). I cover 11, 12 inches of the ball unless I make a point to tilt it over to get it to push through the front a little better. But measure my PAP and it's short. Michael Fagan is even shorter than mine. I think his is something like 3.75 over and I forget what his vertical component is.
