Hey all, I am looking to fit my Dirty Bomb inbetween my x factor ace and my uranium. The ace is drilled 4 1/2 by 2 with a 3/4" x hole on my pap. The uranium is drilled label leverage 3 3/8 by 5 with a small weighthole on my pap. My PAP is 4 5/8 right and 1/2 down. I throw with medium speed and the lower end of medium revs. My Ace seems to pick up too early sometimes on the THS so i use it for the medium/heavy shots i see in tourneys. The uranium seems to not come in enough at the back and leave 10's for the first game and a half but then i can get it to turn the corner and start carrying after that. Let me know your thoughts. It will be here tuesday! Thanks in advance!
Ike Brownfield