As I am starting to learn more about layouts, I have noticed that the mass bias is in totally different locations on all my stuff. So now I am wondering in general what to expect from my layouts?
Mainly my AMF double clutch that is drilled pin below fingers , cg slightly right of val and below pap, with mb slightly left (about 1/2 ") and directly below thumb (about 1")? Sorry I dont know my actual numbers.
And my double clutch pearl that is drilled pin above fingers, cg slightly right val on pap, with mb directly right of thumb (about 3")?
I was wanting the solid to rev up early with smooth arc off friction to play on heavier oil. And the pearl to be long and strong for medium and broken down shots.
In the bag:
900 global bounty hunter
900 global favorite
Roto grip mars
AMF radar (oldie but goodie)
AMF double clutch
AMF double clutch pearl
Edited by 900DJ on 1/14/2011 at 8:30 PM