I have a G-Force Solid drilled CG-out leverage (with the pin directly below the ring finger). It rolls early and hooks/sets midlane and I can only play straight up first or second arrow. The ball cannot turn the corner on the backend if I move any further left and try to swing it outside.
I have a Black Widow Bite that plays great swinging inside-out but only on medium volumes of oil and until carrydown causes it to skid past the break point. I really like this line where I bowl - gives me the greatest margin for error. However, only works when conditions are medium to medium-dry (for me that is).
What difference in reaction could I expect if I had the G-Force Solid plugged and re-drilled stacked with the pin next to the ring finger about 4 inches from PAP ? Would that help me swing the ball in heavier volumes of oil ?