i got a suggestion from a very good bowler Nick Vogelgesang...
he bowls in many tourneys and on the tour a couple times.
in not new to bowling i know most drillings ect...
i was bowling against him in a tourney last night, after the round was over he suggested my drilling a ball pin over bridge...
i have had bad luck with that drilling before it seems like to ball never sets up and doesn't move at all.
i throw around 17mph, med/good hand like to swing it a little if i can
he said it all depends on how strong the weight blocks are ect ect.
just wondering if you guys suggest a good ball for this drilling?
what balls have you had luck with?
i have tried the smokin inferno, and columbias trottle and hated them but i know a lot of people use this layout and like it
so hook a brother up i wanna try it and like it for once!!
hold my hammer, while i NAIL your girlfriend.
Edited on 3/26/2006 2:36 PM