If your mechanically inclined and have the right tools it isn't really too hard to get the holes in the ball. I had a couple of balls that I kept plugging and redrilling, experimenting with forward, reverse and lateral pitches until I pretty much settled on what I have now. I kept changing the pitches in small steps because I didn't want to hurt my hand and if the ball didn't feel right I immediately quit throwing it. The real challenge is putting the proper layout on the ball for your style and what you want the ball to do. But there are many people on this forum that are very knowledgeable about layouts that are always ready to help when you ask. I basically learned most of what I know from this forum and experimentation on "mule" balls. Just remember, It's just a bowling ball and if the hole isn't right you just plug it up and start over. BTW, most of the balls I have are used balls from EBay.
So many questions, so little time but I'm having fun.