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Author Topic: I messed up a guys ball....  (Read 4725 times)


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I messed up a guys ball....
« on: March 02, 2004, 09:56:28 AM »
Heres the story, I guy hits me up on last Tuesday to drill a new Blazing Inferno for him.  I say sure, I would be happy to.  So, I come in Thursday night, the Blazing and his other two balls are in the shop already.  He told me he wanted to use the Blazing as a dry lane ball.

I opened the box and guess what?!  It had a one inch pin.  So, I am already disappointed at this point.  I open up his bag and both of his bowling balls have been resurfaced already (by another employee).  Now, I am screwed, I don't know the guys PAP or were he tracks.  I decided to set the ball up pin under middle finger, closer to the bridge side than the track side.  

Well, come to find out he tracks over half the thumb hole with the pin above the fingers.  So, now he really tracks over the thumb almost full roller type track.  

This is the part that gets me.  He buys this ball from and DOESN'T request a pin or top weight.  Then he brings it to me like I am going to magically make it work for him.  I did what I thought was best but it didn't work in my favor.  I will admit the ball carries well but he doesn't want to use up the 10 board and isn't happy with the ball at all.  Tonight, he basically told me I screwed up.  I told him I would redrill it free of charge but that doesn't make me feel better.

Could I have set this ball up another way for dry lanes??  Is it fair to redrill it free of charge??  What should I do?

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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2004, 01:11:29 AM »
One thing for sure, it could have been worse. But, in hindsight, my preferred driller has ALL my specs on hand in the computer, including notes on pins, PAP, VAL, and whatever else he wants to know. Might look into that for your shop. But of course, those are only godd records if updated with any changes, such as span, pitches or whatever else changes. And of course, must be read BEFORE drilling.

For good will, it probably is best to do a "free plug - redrill", but politely remind him, you can only do so much with what you are given to work 1" pin.

Good luck, and carry those pesky corners.
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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #2 on: March 03, 2004, 01:14:11 AM »
Thanks MTFD24.  Unfortuntely, I never drilled a ball for this guy before.  I also wish I had more say in how the shop was run.  I am gaining quite a bit of clients for myself but I don't have a say in anything as far as the shop goes.  It drives me nuts.

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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #3 on: March 03, 2004, 02:07:26 AM »
I have learned a major lesson this time.  I just wish I had known his pap prior to drilling.  He wanted the ball on a Friday and I didn't drill it until 10:30 on a Thursday night.  I guess hindsight is 20/20 in this case.  I will talk to him about what drill he wants to go with.

Thanks guys,
"Act like you've been there before"

Edited on 3/3/2004 3:27 AM


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2004, 02:36:06 AM »
I encourage purchasing off the net.  The proshop operator REFUSES to stock anything except some Morich stuff and low end C300 stuff.  The problem is NO ONE wants to deal with this guy.  Most of time the come to myself or PHATDON for recommendations and such.  Then another problem arises, we can not order balls only the proshop operator can.  So we have to rely on him to get everything on order for us.  It is a major cluster Fluck.

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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #5 on: March 03, 2004, 07:36:59 AM »
You know what you should do...

Replace his ball FREE of charge and redrill FREE of charge, why?

Because you F'd up his BRAND NEW ball, if you don't know what your doing don't do it, how would you like it if you order a new ball that cost $150, waited 2 weeks to get then have ruined but a ball drillers screw up!

- 01kay
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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #6 on: March 03, 2004, 11:49:16 AM »
Did the guy already hit the thumb on his other balls? Sounds like he is what we would call a frustrated full roller. Some bowlers just can’t get enough turn to get it to track outside completely.

Where was the pin on his other balls?

Agroves is the pin under the fingers or above on the ball you drilled ? Your original post stated that you set it up with the pin under the fingers but then you say he hits the thumb with the pin above the fingers.  What drill do you think would keep him away from the thumb? If he is really a full roller then a longer pin at 7:30 would help but I don’t know if you can get him off the thumb without hitting the fingers.

I would not think it would effect the thumb any but a lower pin can cause one to clip the finger holes. By moving the pin above the fingers you move the bow tie high enough to miss the finger holes but I wouldn’t think it would affect the thumb that much. In fact a lower pin would help this.

There is all these things in that I would not consider a blazing inferno to be a dry lane ball. It might be better than the other infernos but I believe there are better choices.

Jabroni why should I help them get a ball off the internet ? They are using my knowledge of their style and what lane conditions they bowl on to take money away from me. That is part of the deal when you buy from us and not having that is part of the deal when buying off the net. Far too often bowlers come in and pick our brains on what ball to buy and/or what drill. Then they go order the ball off the internet and have some other hack proshop guy drill it for $10. Then they have the nerve to come back and ask us to fix the problems. The internet shop gets the profit from the ball sale, the other proshop gets the money from the easy drill and we get stuck with the dirty work.


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #7 on: March 03, 2004, 01:50:08 PM »
That is exactly why the man in our pro-shop refuses to drill any ball he doesn't buy himself. His prices are as reasonable as any, just doesn't want the headache.


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #8 on: March 03, 2004, 04:04:44 PM »
01kay--What is like to be GOD?  You must be perfect huh?  Please let me know what it is like to never make mistakes.  I really want to know what it is like, you ja.

Pinbuster--I put the pin on the blazing below his fingers.  The pin on this other stuff his right or just above his fingers.  He still tracks over the thumb hole on those.  I will redrill his ball for nothing and refund him the $30 that he paid for the drilling.  That is the best I can do for him.  I WILL NOT replace the ball.  He ordered off the net without requesting a pin or top weight.  We talked and he now understands that he must order stuff with long pins.  The beginning top was 2 1/4 oz so drilling the pin above the fingers will work.

Phatdon, I put the blame on myself not you or gene.  I shouldn't have drilled the ball but I wanted to get it done for him by Friday.  I will make it right.

"Act like you've been there before"

Edited on 3/3/2004 5:01 PM


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #9 on: March 03, 2004, 04:23:02 PM »
The pin on this other stuff his right or just above his fingers. He still tracks over the thumb hole on those.

If this is the case, what good to expect to come from redrilling?  He's going to clip the thumb no matter what you do.  Nothing is going to fix his problem other than improving his release.
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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #10 on: March 03, 2004, 05:25:18 PM »
Ishmael--you are correct.  If I redrill it he will still track over the thumb but not as much of it.  That is the only to be gained from redrilling this pin above fingers.  I agree that his release is to blame.  He almost rolls the ball end over end.  

Willie B--Thats the plan, I hope that makes him happy.


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2004, 11:39:12 AM »
01kay, you need to be shot.  How about we stick you in a shop and have someone bring in a ball to you, say "Drill it," and walk out?  Why wouldn't we do that?  Cause you'd have absolutely no clue what you were doing.  I had a guy come in a couple months ago, and he was DEAD SET on buying a Time Zone.  He wanted it to hook as much as possible.  The only information I could get out of him was that he "throws purdy hard" and "down and in."  No revs, track, pap, any other kind of information.  I drilled it stacked leverage and put the weighthole in a high flaring position.  He starts throwing it, and come to find out, he throws about 22 mph with maybe 4 revs.  Gee, did it hook?  Not really.  And I suppose it's beside the point that I tried to talk him into a Raging Inferno or Warp Zone?  

I don't think you should have to do anything, agroves.  It sounds like you're too nice like I am, but there comes a time when you have to set people straight, or they'll walk all over you.  He got the ball on the internet, brought it in, and expected you to drill it so the "spinning weight block" would automatically link up with a satellite in outer space and guide his ball straight to the pocket.  Some people don't mind being uninformed, and they'll admit to it, but the people who THINK they know what they're talking about deserve this kind of thing to happen.  You did the best you could based on the information you were given, it was HIS fault that this happened.  I think you should try to explain why it didn't work to begin with, and why he should from now on specify pin placement and top weight.
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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2004, 01:51:29 PM »
Jabroni – We charge $40 plus additional for inserts and slugs. I don’t have any problem with your charges.

We go through all the things you said but as you know there are some who simply don’t understand and you can’t get them to understand why you can’t make a resin groove into a hook monster. Also that the pin they paint on the groove really doesn’t do much good on a pancake weight block but we play the game on pin position to settle them down.

The guys that kill me are the ones who do the same thing over and over again. They ask us about what ball to buy. They get a ball somewhere and have someone else drill it because we are too expensive. Then it doesn’t fit right and come to use to plug it and make it right. When it is over they end up paying as much as they would have coming to us in the first place and they end up with a plugged ball (and a sore hand).

But we get a little testy when a guy has gone somewhere else for his last 4 balls after getting our advise on what ball and drill they needed.  


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Re: I messed up a guys ball....
« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2004, 11:06:26 PM »
Get em Hammy!!!

I talked with this guy yesterday.  He brought the Blazing back in today.  I plugged the thumb tonight and the fingers will be done in the morning.  I should be able to punch it out tomorrow night.  

His release is to blame.  I am going to work with him and see if we can lower the track some.  I think he is stretched out some, I may talk to him about shortening the span which will help him get out of the thumb sooner.

Thanks to all,
"Act like you've been there before"