Guys, I need suggestions...
I'm a low rev lefty with max axis rotation. Avg speed 16-17.
I have my new Resurgence drilled with 3 inch pin 1/4 inch under middle finger and CG slightly swung out. Ending statics are 3/8 thumb and 1/2 side (FYI....)
PAP is a bit suspect, have rec'd different reports, but consensus is 4 x 1/4 up.
There is no weight hole (yet)...
I bowl on a long heavy oil shot. I have a Special Agent with 2 inch pin up between fingers and multiple Infernos (Brunswick OI and AI primarily) with pin left of ring, CG stacked. The Special will play this long oil shot pointed up from 8, dead slow, with heavy break (but not skid flippy at all) on the very end. That's basically from my high axis rotation once it does kick in...
The Infernos are useless on this shot.
So far, I've adjusted surface on the Resurgence from 600 to 2000. I can't get the Resurgence to do anything other than a very mellow turn if I slow down to 13-14 MPH max. At 15-16, it slides by. When it does hit, I leave 90% weak 7's. Hell, I even leave a few 5 pins breaking into the pocket and that NEVER happens... Clearly it's picture is sitting next to the definition of "wet noodle" in the dictionary, that much I do know.
I am positive it's not burning up on this verified heavy condition and am totally puzzled by the weak reaction after what I've heard. I certainly expected more than the Special Agent... Other lefties are having issues in this league also, but I'm by far the most locked out of any I've seen so far this year
Is it possible I've got the pin-PAP set to react too late? Should I move it to left of ring, where my Infernos have been successful on a medium shot?
Weight hole?
Signature? I don't need no stinking signature...