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Author Topic: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice  (Read 2716 times)


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I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« on: April 13, 2009, 01:43:07 PM »
I just got a Rogue Cell. Want to get it drilled RICO. Just wondering if it matters what the pin distance is. Also what can I expect with this drilling? I have been told I am between a tweener and cranker, have average speed, and bowl on wood and synthetic lanes.
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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2009, 05:25:36 PM »
This layout is probably not for you.  Rico can be used by anybody, but is usually favored by slightly speed dominant to speed dominant players.  It gives them miss room to the right.

Most crankers/rev dominant players have a tendancy to favor miss room to the left.  If you drill an aggressive ball like that, it may roll hard and smooth, but not give you the push down lane most rev/dom. players like to have on a THS if you tug it inside a bit.  And being rev dominant, if you fan it right too early, its going to over react.  

People who have a tendancy to throw it through the break point like this drilling because the pin being down like that gets it into a roll sooner and the potential to recover.  Likewise the early roll also helps them carry if they miss left.

Its not a bad layout, but most rev dominant players don't match up to it well, unless it is a much weaker ball with a weaker cover.




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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #2 on: April 14, 2009, 05:38:27 PM »
^^Not quite sure what he is talking about, but if you do not have anything drilled Rico, then you should definitely get one. I talked to Ric at bowl expo last year and the one thing he said about the layout is, Everyone on tour has at least one in their bag, if not more. I don't agree at all that this layout helps create recovery like dude above me said. The purpose of this layout is to create an even rolling ball, reducing the backend. It is espeically useful on conditions that create a lot of over-under.


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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2009, 12:50:08 AM »
I threw it a couple shots during practice with it tonight and OMG it's amazing. Couldn't throw it during league though because my Hyroad was working much better playing straight up. Can't wait to throw it Friday night because that is where the oil is.
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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2009, 08:27:17 PM »
so crush you ended up getting it rico'd?


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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2009, 08:39:58 PM »
To elaborate on what bowler001 already posted...

It does smooth out the back end, so if you are high speed player, it will allow the ball to slow down enough to react or respond. If you are a high rev player, it will respond earlier to help minimize overreaction to friction or back end.

It's definately a layout that will be different than most others and if you do not have a ball with this layout in your arsenal, I recommend it.

And also I did talk to him at Bowl Expo last year.
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Mike Austin

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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2009, 10:31:14 PM »
The reaction differs for different people too.  You are placing the pin in the center of your grip.  For some that puts the pin 6" from their PAP.  For me, it puts the pin 4 1/2 from my PAP.  Sooo.... Rico balls are fairly early for me, heavy rolling in the middle third of the lane.  Usually pretty smooth on the back end, but still have great hitting power.  Because the pin is lower in the grip, the ball doesn't go sideways at the break point.  FOR ME, I love that, as I tend to layout balls for regional, USBC, and tougher conditions.  

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Re: I want to get a ball drilled RICO. Need some quick advice
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2009, 10:30:58 AM »
I would love to drill a ball like this for the PBA Patterns!!  What ball would guys advise for the 36 and the 41 foot patterns??

