lmao... yea. That average, its like a huge joke to me. Just because well it is... for some reason i cant bowl for crap in my sanctioned leauge. I bowl on a 2 man mini, in the same house on the same shot, and i average 20-30 pins higher.
I made a post about this in the misc section a while back, its very weird, i cant bowl for crap in leauge, if i get in jackpots its even worse. My series last week 170-120(god knows how that happend)-184, the high games were 2 or more marks away from being 200 games, but that night my 10 pin shooting went to the crapper. Chopped a few 6pins and just made small mistakes that cost me higher scores.
I havent been able to practice as much as i would like work/school schedule and my poor leauge average is the result. This is actually my first sanctioned leauge.
After leauge i can shoot consistantly 180-200 games, i have yet to figure out my problem, during practice i can light it up... as soon as it counts its all in the crapper.
But hey im clutch so my team doest matter, setup man before the anchor.

Charlest: im aware that the coverstocks are different, one of the main reason's i picked up the impulse zone, but some of the RG numbers and diff numbers are pretty similar.
AIM = y2moe99
Edited on 1/8/2005 1:10 PM