So much depends on the ball, the Core and its RG differential, Your "hand" and the lanes you are on (oil & surface) that you just can't make that generality.
A ballreviews guy, NextLevelPS, has enough "hand" that his Triple X Factor drilled with the pin above his ring finger works great for him. I've seen him throw it.
I have a couple of balls, one pearl and one solid right now, with the pin above the center of the bridge, which places the pin 5.5" from my PAhP. Both work well for me, but I no longer dare go further towards the middle finger than the center of the bridge. Like Phillip MArlowe, I did that with one ball and while it tamed it down nicely, it was of far too limited a use for me to keep it.
You really have to judge each ball independently, for the use for which you intend to use it. Then drill it suitably. There are more than a few people who start off drilling ALL balls with the pin above the ring finger. I think that's ... unintelligent, to put it as kindly as possible. Unless you're playing or testing a ball or an unnkown ball, you buy a "ball reaction", you don't buy a ball. (OK, getting off the soap box now.)