The way you have it stated, no, it isn't legal.
You are allowed 1 weight hole, five holes for gripping purposes ( one for each finger and one for the thumb), and each gripping hole may have a small venting hole. You may also have a P.B.A. mill stamp on it.
The way you say it is now, you have a full grip drilled in it ( three holes ) and the old two finger holes. While that technically does meet the five gripping holes requirement, all the holes must have the proper fingers in them while releasing the ball. Any finger holes not used can be considered extra weight holes.
If you plug one of the old holes it would be legal because then you would only have one "weight" hole.
Or, I guess you could get away with knocking out the bridge between to two old finger holes, making them into a single, albeit oblong, hole. It would be ugly, but legal.