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Author Topic: joint pain on ring finger  (Read 25267 times)


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joint pain on ring finger
« on: September 09, 2007, 11:19:53 AM »
I have pretty extreme joint pain in the second joint of my ring finger.

I have been thinking about trying a conventional grip for that finger only and keeping my  other finger finger tip.

I find that i'm not putting as much lift on the ball because of the pain in my ring finger. Also it hurts for like a week after I bowl and since I bowl a lot its pretty much been constantly swollen and stiff. I had to take my wedding band off because my finger was so swollen.

any opinions on this? would conventional grip on that finger even help with the pain? I've never bowled with a conventional grip in any form. I just assumed that it would put less pressure on my joint.

about forgot to add that I already had my pitches messed with a bit and went to oval inserts instead of lift inserts to try to take some pressure off but its not really helping.



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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #1 on: September 09, 2007, 07:26:23 PM »
The size and style of the hole can help but your span could be too long causing the problems.

Going to conventional on your ring finger is an option. You will be able to get your rev rate back after awhile and put much less stress on the ring finger.
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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #2 on: September 09, 2007, 08:00:49 PM »
I tried relaxing my span and changing pitches, doesnt seem to have helped. I'm pretty much to the point where I think that joint just can't handle the same amount of pressure as others.

just wonder what my options are besides quitting bowling or using my other hand. heh


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #3 on: September 09, 2007, 09:17:59 PM »
The second joint is the second from the finger nail, is that the one you mean?  If so, that's an unusual joint for a finger tip bowler to have pain in.  Could something other than bowling be causing the problem?  If it were the first joint, I'd guess either spans too long or too much forward pitch for your joint flexibility.  --  JohnP


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #4 on: September 09, 2007, 09:43:17 PM »
I used to have to tape my knuckles before I bowled because I turn the ball so hard that I almost always ended up popping my knuckles until they were so swollen I could barely bend them.  I ended up picking up something called Steel Fingers and trying it.  It's pretty cheap so I figured it was worth trying.  It looks a little funny and takes some getting used to but I haven't had any problem with my knuckles since I started using it.  I don't have a link but they have a web site and they sell them on ebay too.  You might want to give this a try


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #5 on: September 09, 2007, 10:27:50 PM »
yeah its my second knuckle, meaning not the one next to my finger nail but the next one.

I tape my knuckle when it starts hurting and it helps some. tonite when I was bowling before I put tape around the knuckle  it was hurting just to push it into my finger grips. I've used a computer a lot during my life so I was thinking it could be something related to typing a lot that that made it bad. Bowling is the only thing I've done that makes it really hurt like this though.

I was thinking that maybe if my span was too short on my middle finger could that put extra stress on my ring finger?


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2007, 11:51:52 AM »
yeah its my second knuckle, meaning not the one next to my finger nail but the next one.

I tape my knuckle when it starts hurting and it helps some. tonite when I was bowling before I put tape around the knuckle  it was hurting just to push it into my finger grips. I've used a computer a lot during my life so I was thinking it could be something related to typing a lot that that made it bad. Bowling is the only thing I've done that makes it really hurt like this though.

I was thinking that maybe if my span was too short on my middle finger could that put extra stress on my ring finger?

kleptic, I have had the same problem for about 4 or 5 years now. Same finger, same joint. It is sore, swollen, & it locks up on me so sometimes I have to pry it open. There are otheres on this site that I've discussed the same problem with. I've tried pitch changes, shortening the span, using the sarge easter grip, you name it & I've tried it.
GutterDawg mentioned the "steel fingers" which I also have & it does help while bowling, but is still sore afterwards.
Wish I could help you, wish I could help me, but I've just decided if I want to continue bowling, I'll just live with it.

If anyone else out there knows what may help, please let us know.
Think about it!

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so. Ronald Reagan


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2007, 02:17:12 PM »
sarge easter grip didnt help at all for you righty? I thought that grip was supposed to make it so you are only getting lift with your middle finger? if thats true I would think it would make your finger not hurt as much.


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2007, 02:36:46 PM »
     I also have the same pain.  I just bowl through it.  The next day my hand is sore.  Thanks for posting this stuff, I should really try to look into some remedies.

A half ten is not a great shot.  No, you shouldn't have carried it.


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2007, 03:49:05 PM »
yeah i've had it for years, but I can remember a time when I didn't have it, I think that was when my revs were much lower though. I always hear people say things like if bowling hurts something is wrong though. so it makes me think it is something that can be fixed. I'll keep trying different things and post how it turns out.

I'm still very curious about sarge easter grip. I'd like to hear from more people that have tried it.


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2007, 04:00:36 PM »
sarge easter grip didnt help at all for you righty? I thought that grip was supposed to make it so you are only getting lift with your middle finger? if thats true I would think it would make your finger not hurt as much.

I just didn't like the sarge easter & didn't stick with it very long. It may help in time, but I can't say. I did try a drop ring with more reverse pitch, but that didn't seem to help.

I can't say for sure, but I think Duke Harding had the same problem & went to sarge easter, but if I recall he didn't stick with it a long time because it was causing other issues. Maybe he'll chime in if he's around.
Think about it!

The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn't so. Ronald Reagan


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2007, 12:14:29 PM »
Have you guys ever tried adding a hole for your pinky finger.  This may help relieve the stress off of the ring finger...just a thought.


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #12 on: September 11, 2007, 12:18:31 PM »
What exactly is your span and pitches?
Nick Smith ... A.K.A. Les Badderâ„¢
Brunswick -=- PBA 03-07
Friends don't let friends drink the Kool-Aid!
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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #13 on: September 11, 2007, 12:28:20 PM »
i had some pain in the first joint, went to sarge easter and decreased the amount i bowled for 2-3 weeks. i didnt use that ball afterwards (the ball with too large span)

i think if u go to sarge easter grip, it might put too much pressure on ur middle finger, and u goin to ended up with the same thing if u r a high rev player.

btw, i remember that i used to tuck the pinkie, that put lot more stress on the ring finger, if u do so, then give it a try and have the pinkie straight
When a house bowler misses the mark, misses the break point and strike, for many ppl its called a wallshot. When a pro does that its call adjustment

When a house bowler gets his finger stuck in the ball and fall on the lanes, for many ppl its called lame bowler. When a pro does that its called the Machuga flop! ha i like this one.


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Re: joint pain on ring finger
« Reply #14 on: September 16, 2007, 08:38:33 AM »
I had the same problem with that joint. I also used computers and desk
calculators for a long time in my job. Finally, I went to an orthopedic
doctor and and found that I had arthritis in that joint. Ibuprophen,
an exercise device that you squeeze for improving hand and forearm strength
combined with a slightly shortened ring finger span (still finger tip) have
eliminated 90% of the discomfort.