Hey everyone. I came across one of these old beauties and now want to punch it up. Back many years ago I had one, but it was only drilled over the label (actually I'm not sure my driller at that time was capable of anything else)... But after some research, I've read that the core in the axes is actually asymmetrical... Being an old urethane cover, I think I want as strong a layout as possible... The cores in these balls look something like this:
http://www.bowlingballreviews.com/ball.asp?ballid=273 If anyone has ever had one of these or has any experience with one.. or any ideas in general.. all comments are appreciated!
We demolish buildings all the time so why not say to the terrorists look that building over there do what you want, bomb it, fly a plane into it whatever. We need to tear it down anyway. But these buildings over here leave them alone. That way you can still get your message heard and there won't be any hard feelings.