I have gotten way too many balls drilled and I am going to sell everything and start over. What do you think of this 6 pack in terms of covering my bases?
Terms weaker and strong are relative to the category (solid or pearl).
Spares/ Scorched lanes...12:00 label shift Blue Pearl Hammer
"Weaker" Pearl Resin...3-1/2 pin x 5-1/2 MB Pioneer, pitched weighthole
"Strong" Pearl Resin...5-1/2 x 3-1/2 Pearl Uranium (or possible S&A)
"Weaker" Solid Resin...4x4 Ravage or Hybrid Dirty Bomb
"Strong" Solid Resin...pin under ring, cg out Solid Uranium
Particle...4x4 Super Carbide Bomb
I am also keeping my 5x4 Super Carbide which may replace the "Strong Solid Resin"...I just love that ball.
ANy opinions?
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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