Ball: Protocol
Maker: Global!
Weight: 15.2
Me: Stroker, 230 revs, 15-16 mph
Pin is .5 inches from the cg!
Drill: Pin and cg is 1 inch right of ring finger! No surface change, no weight hole. Weird looking, my track area is over much of the balls graphic labeling surface!
Price: 159 68$ off of face book
Ball driller One opinion: Will never hook. Use it as a spare ball.
Ball driller Two opinion: Worse than bad, throw it away!
Ball driller 3 opinion: Will work, ball driller has to have some knowledge. Should work just as normal pin ball.
Manufacturer engineer: Ball will work. Make sure you drill pin right of ring finger or roll over finger hole might be in your future. Ball is fine.
My thoughts: Will graphic surface letters affect ball roll? Will ball roll out too soon? Will ball skate like some suggest and not hook?
Experiment 1#
Lane: Normal med/high oil house shot after 2 leagues. Carry down and lighter oil is present. Can see some oil on ball but not much. 3 games
Result: Ball hooks more than my pin down hyroad. Ball seems to be controllable and hits pins hard. Carry down has little to no effect. If I was right of target, ball came roaring back....nice mix of pins. No skating effect. Highlights: 11 strikes in a row (over 2 games) for a 190 avg bowler. End up going about 25 pins over average per game. 3 splits (my error
Thoughts: Somewhat surprising. Ball reacted nicely and acted much like a strongly drilled high end ball. SO far, great.