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Author Topic: Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness  (Read 1474 times)


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Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness
« on: November 02, 2006, 02:40:59 AM »
A little confused here on thumb pitch and thumb soreness....thought I was clear but then read the description in the BR.coms FAQ post :


All L/R pitches are from a RH point of view when refering to soreness.
When refering to L/R for fingers and thumb it is when looking at the back of the hand.
Thumb Pitches:
+ Reverse = Earlier thumb exit, increased grip pressure may be required, possible soreness to the front or back of the thumb.
+ Forward = Later thumb exit, reduced grip pressure may be required, possible soreness to front or back of the thumb.
+ Left = Reduced axis rotation, possible soreness to right side of the thumb at the tip and left side at the base.
+ Right = More axis rotation, possible soreness to the left side of the thumb at the base and right side at the tip.
Finger Pitches:
+ Reverse = Less lift, earlier finger exit, reduces rotation, possible soreness to the pad side.
+ Forward = More lift, later finger exit, increased rotation, possible soreness to nail side, or broken blood vessels under the nail.
+ Left = Axis tilt enhancer if all pitches are biased left from your normal pitches, possible soreness to right side of finger tip.
+ Right = Possible soreness to left side of finger tip.
+ Span = More loft, more axis rotation, more reverse required, possible soreness; thumb tip nail side, thumb base away from nail, blood under thumb or finger nails, finger pads.
- Span = Less loft, less axis rotation, more forward may be used, possible soreness; at the crease of first knuckle on fingers away from nail, thumb knuckle nail side, blood under thumb nail (clipping), thumb side away from palm.


On thumb pitch....
plus LEFT= soreness to right side of thumb at tip and left side at base

plus RIGHT= soreness to left side at base and right side at tip

Don't these two say the same thing with just the front and back halfs of the sentence reversed ? I am not being picky here but am instead trying to figure how to cure a soreness problem for a lady. So which way do you move the pitch(lateral) if she tests with coke bottle to be 1/8 right(under palm) and gets sore on her right side of thumb(when viewed from back of hand)?She is righty. The ball she is currently using has a 1/8 left pitch. Am I wrong , I feel moving her to her coke bottle tested right pitch may worsen the soreness instead of curing? thanks, Al

p.s. will post this under drilling if needed, but want to clear up this reference material that I am sure gets a lot of viewing because of its completeness.



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Re: Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2006, 08:58:21 PM »
On thumb pitch....
plus LEFT= soreness to right side of thumb at tip and left side at base

plus RIGHT= soreness to left side at base and right side at tip

What this means:  if the pitch is too far to the left, it can cause soreness to the right side of the thumb, which indicates the pitch needs to be changed by adding right pitch.  And exactly the opposite if the pitch is too far to the right.  Make sense?  And this confirms yout Coke bottle test, she is pitched further left than the test indicates and this is causing soreness on the right side of her thumb.  Moving the pitch to the right should help.  --  JohnP

Added on edit:  The information on the Jayhawk site may also help you, link below.

Edited on 11/2/2006 9:52 PM


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Re: Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness
« Reply #2 on: November 03, 2006, 09:38:33 AM »
Thanks JohnP,

But do you see what I mean about the plus LEFT and plus RIGHT saying the exact same thing except the sentence halfs flipped ?

On thumb pitch....
plus LEFT= soreness to (right side of thumb at tip) and (left side at base)

plus RIGHT= soreness to (left side at base) and (right side at tip)

Not being picky here but one of these needs changed......Both of these are extreme examples also: having soreness  in two places , one at the tip and the other at the base is from a hole being major off. If off some, (1/8 left vs 1/8 right it has been my understading that one will get sore on side of thumb nearer knuckle like the Jayhawk Chart, and only at two opposing points (base on one side and tip off other) if angle is way off.

I believe the plus RIGHT description is correct with soreness at the (left side base) and (right side tip)

YES...NO ?

So if a persons thumb(right handed) is sore on the right side of thumb only , nearer the knuckle and upward, but not at the base on the opposite side, do they need more right or more left pitch?  I guess I am either thick skulled or stupid ...either way confused still.   My guess would be needs more left according to Jayhawk.   JohnP ?   Others ?

thanks, Al


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Re: Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness
« Reply #3 on: November 03, 2006, 06:10:09 PM »
alzgarvin -- I guess I didn't read it carefully enough the first time.  Yes, I see exactly what you're saying.  --  JohnP


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Re: Left/Right Thumb pitch/Soreness
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2006, 07:45:31 PM »
Thanks Guys...........Al