LOL...ball came in today.
"CG mismarked?" Try CG not marked AT ALL.
Then, when I finally determined where it was, I marked it off for CG-axis drilling and realized the ball looked a little funny. I went back inside and put it next to some of my other Track gear that has the Flaming T logo and realized all the logos were bunched very closely together and really skewed, angle-wise.
With CG on the axis, the word "THREAT" falls directly in the path of and perfectly lined up with my track.
Oh well, it's a $14 NIB ball so I won't complain much.
I will say this: I finally drilled up a ball myself that feels just like my favorite equipment. This is my fourth ball to drill (aside from an old ball I was using for drilling practice) and I'm quite happy with the feel.
Edited on 3/5/2008 7:29 PM