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Author Topic: OK Layout Arsenal Gurus, Riddle me this......  (Read 1153 times)


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OK Layout Arsenal Gurus, Riddle me this......
« on: June 28, 2007, 01:06:02 AM »
We all know that arsenal choices can vary and their is a vast difference of opinions, but I would like to see what you all think.  For our discussion here let's state that the condition is medium and we are trying to set up a three ball arsenal for the wetter side of medium and drier side as well.

Item 1:
What is you benchmark layout.  For me it is a medium range ball with approximate 3-5 inches of flare. Using a symmetrical ball the pin would be near ring finger height with no weight hole.  If an asymmetrical ball it will be same pin height with M/B closer to 6.75 away from pap.  Cover would be slightly polished ar about 2-4000 Abralon according to what ball i used.

Item 2:
Ball one won't recover so what is your next ball.  For me it is a ball with lower pin placement (under ring finger) about 1.5 above midline with cg/mass bias right or near VAL with a weight hole.  This ball should slow down and read the Brak Point better than ball one.  Surface will be near ball one but probabaly a bit more aggresive than ball but that is per the ball choice.

Item 3:
Ball one hooks to much so what is your ball here.  Some say use the arcy ball that revs later but i have found that a higher pin with about 3-5 inches flare above ring finger area with a strong recovery drill is best.  For these reasons, u are usually left (right hander) and you need later / sharper recovery.  The higher pin will get the ball longer and conserve energy for sharper recovery and carry from deeper.

So are their other thoughts?  I would enjoy hearing your thoughts and the reasons as to why.  I am always open to learn more....




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Re: OK Layout Arsenal Gurus, Riddle me this......
« Reply #1 on: June 28, 2007, 02:18:36 PM »
Hi. First off the pin and layout do not have the most influence
on a bowling ball. it is all about cover stock. the cover stock
gives the friction or delays the friction. changing your coverstock
and learning what does what will have a much bigger impact on
your ball.
the pin placement and layout of the ball sort of shapes the hook.
it can give the ball more of an arc shape or delay the hook and
give it a more angular shape.

spend more time learning how a ball wet sanded with 320 grit will
respond and the same ball wet sanded with 800 grit will respond.
then taking those 2 wet sand grit levels and polishing the ball
and watching the reaction.

too many bowlers get caught up in the layout when they should learn
more about cover stock adjustments / surface changes as having a
much bigger influence on ball reaction.

hope that gives you more information.


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Re: OK Layout Arsenal Gurus, Riddle me this......
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2007, 08:08:54 AM »
Action -  Agree, i am completely aware and do alter surfaces.  As i stated this topic was fo rme to see what others think and I enjoy hearing the thoughts of others and I thank you for your input.
