What is everyone's method for plugging/fixing a cracked thumb? Have one in the shop that is drilled with a 1 1/4" thumb slug and has circular hairline cracks all around it. Overall, its probably cracked 1.5" on either side of the slug. Is there any other way besides just drilling all of the cracked material out and re-plugging? If not, I'm assuming at least two stages of plugging to prevent against forming additional cracks due to the heat from all of that plug material curing? Is it safe to drill back into the plug material, or would it be best to redrill with a slightly different layout to avoid the plug material (don't want the ball back in 2 weeks with all of the plug material cracked out again).
The perfect qb/receiver combo in Miami:
Ginn & Juice
(Ted Ginn Jr and Cleo Lemon)